Chapter 2

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"(y/n), (l/n) reporting for duty!" I salute the stone-faced captain and the relaxed commander, giving them a huge smile.

"Get in line (l/n)," his voice is as cold as his eyes.

"Yes sir,"

I stand next to Eren and Armin, not wanting to separate Mikasa from Eren. Not sure what she'd do to me if that were to ever happen. 

"All right, we have to make sure that hole gets sealed," 

The wall has been destroyed once again but this time it's not even at the gate. 

"And Mikasa and (y/n), you're also on that squad," I hear my name but I'm not entirely sure what for I was distracted. Erwin finishes assigning everyone to a squad, "Everyone got that?"

"Yes sir!" we all say in unison.

"Okay get to it!" We salute and I quickly rush to ask Mikasa what were up to.

"We have to protect Eren," 

"Ohhh, okay," I watch them all fall of the edge of the wall. "Pfft, that's boring," 

Getting a headstart I run off making sure to do a flip before falling backward my arms bent behind my head, eyes closed. I then lift my leg flipping me back so I'm on my stomach and I send myself flying.

"Woooooh," I exclaim as I fly past the other cadets turning and spinning. "Ooh almost got me, big guy!" I yell as I nearly dodge a titan before jumping off a roof and slicing its nape. 

After a few more kills I land on a roof next to Mikasa and we watch as Eren bites into his hand.

"I bet there's a far more effective way of doing that," I mutter as I inspect my blades before putting them back. A flash and a loud scream is all I hear before Mikasa starts talking.

"If Eren prefers that method then he is free to continue doing it," 

"I guess but jeez,"

"Two titans to the left! A ten-meter and a five-meter! Mikasa takes then ten and (y/n) get the five-meter,"

"You got it, boss," 

I run in the direction of the five meter jumping off roofs until I'm close enough. Aiming my hooks at its eyes before looping around and slicing its nape. Spotting another titan I head towards it landing next to Conny.

"Oh hey, Conny! What's up?"

"You know the usual, saving everyone's asses," 

I chuckle at his remark, "Don't worry I'll save yours this time," 

I fly off in the direction of the titan before jumping off the chimney of a roof and landing on its head. I fall backward turning enough to aim at its nape before slicing it. Noticing Eren walking over to the hole I decide to follow him since I don't see anyone around him. 

Once near I notice a titan to the left of him. Hearing his titan scream I turn around to find his fist flying towards me. 

"Well shit, Eren," I aim at his arm before flying towards his shoulder, "Yo buddy, just cause I might look like a fly doesn't mean I am one," I brush some hair out of my face before landing on a roof. 

He looks at me before his closed fist is in front of me. I give him a fist bump and pretend it explodes behind my head and he does the same. 

I laugh, "Titan fist bump I like it," 

"This isn't a time for handshakes cadet!" finding an annoyed Levi behind me.

"You got it, Captain," I give Eren a wave before flying off to kill a few more titans that were getting too close to him. 

I spot Sasha a few roofs down, "Finally," So I'm not told I'm slacking I make sure to get a few titans on the way over to her, "Hey," 

"What's up (y/n),"

"I'm starving. Do you have anything left?" she looks to the left before looking back at me, "Sasha...It's been ten minutes,"

"I know! It's just that killing titans has been very hard! And it would have gotten cold if I didn't! And I didn't know you wanted some!" she's yelling as if on the verge of tears.

"Sasha, calm down," I notice the commander heading this way, "Uhhh, gotta go," I quickly get off the house landing on the ground and I start running until I find an alleyway. I look up to see the Commander fly overhead.

"Well, funny finding you here," I jump at the voice.

"Jean, I swear," I place a hand up to my rapidly beating heart, "Shouldn't you be trying to make out with Mikasa," I ask looking up.

"Yeah, but she's busy babysitting Eren," he makes a face when he says his name, and I raise an eyebrow.

"She's just protecting him,"

"Yeah well," he crosses his arms, "I want to protect her!"  

"Jean, I don't think-" I let out a sigh before placing my hand on his shoulder, "You'll get her one day, I'm sure," 

"You think so?"

"No," I shrug before aiming out of the alley chuckling at the screaming Jean below me. 

Alright, Eren where are you, I think to myself as I look for Eren. He's not that hard to sport where did he-

I feel my eyes widen as I notice he's being eaten alive by titans. I rush to him slicing as many titans as I can without dying. I land in front of him once I've sliced all the titan napes. Not being able to see due to the steam I head up to a roof. The wind takes most of the steam away and I watch as through the steam Eren's wounds are healed. I notice nobody has fired a red flare so I don't bother firing anything. Eren stands up his hands extended behind him as he screams. 

"Okay, we hear you," I give him a thumbs up and he does the same before he runs off in the direction of the hole. Taking in a breath I follow shortly behind him making sure titans don't get too close to him. 

[I'm very tempted to write chapter is meant to give you an introduction on how (y/n) stands with most of the characters. the fistbump part was my favorite btw :) like just imagine getting a fistbump from a titan AHAHAH anywho ttyl]

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