Chapter 5

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I feel the sweat glide down my forehead as we're listening to Erwin's plan. Each word flows from his mouth to my ears and flows into my shaking hands. I ball up my fists and clench my jaw unsure of how this mission will turn out. I let out a sigh once the meeting is over. All the other cadets chatter about our mission and what it entails. All I can do is contemplate on whether this mission will be a success or not.

"I'm going to go train," I tell Armin as I jog outside to get some fresh air.

Placing my hands on my head as I take deep breaths the anxiety rising up. I turn around hearing footsteps behind me.

"Hey, Eren,"

"How are you (y/n)?"

I shrug unsure how to respond, "I don't feel too great about this mission,"

"Are you scared?" he tilts his head, worry in his eyes.

"N-no? I don't think so, well. Yes, I am scared,"

"We all are, we just have to change that scared feeling into a fighting feeling," I nod at his words and he brings me into a hug. "We can do it," he whispers before pulling away and heading back inside with a nod.

I take a shaky breath before stretching my arms and exhaling a sharp breath before starting a steady jog. Soon, the other cadets join me and we start the training session hoping to get everyone ready for the mission coming up.

"I just find it crazy that Annie is the female titan,"

"Really Armin? You couldn't tell?" I throw a punch, "The blonde hair," This time I block his kick, "Blue eyes?" I kick back, "It didn't click?"

He shakes his head as he throws a punch towards me. I shrug before placing my hands on my waist and taking a deep breath. He stands in front of me arms crossed an eyebrow raised.

"What's wrong?"

I tilt my head at his question.

"What's on your mind (y/n)?" concern fills his voice as I drop my hand, kicking my fit in the dirt.

"This mission," I look up at him a frown on my lips, "Don't you think it's kind of dangerous?"

"Well aren't all our missions?" I scoff,

"Yeah, but..." I take a deep breath in as I look for the right words.

"(y/n)," he takes a step towards me placing his hands on my shoulders, "We go out there and we fight with all we have," I stare into his gentle blue eyes as he gives me a reassuring shake, "This mission will go great," he gives me a smile.

It wasn't going great. Soldiers were falling left and right we didn't know where to go. We were surrounded. It was overwhelming as I look up at the sky now full of red smoke.

"Cadet," I look over at the voice, "Eyes forward,"

"Yes, Captain," I try to listen to him but curiosity takes over as I look behind me and my eyes widen as I swallow.

"What did I say, cadet!"

"Sorry sir," My head swings back as I hold back the tears. Taking a deep breath I speed up before I'm in front of the other cadets. I notice a titan starts running towards us and steadily I slowly stand on my horse.

"(y/n)!" I hear everyone calling my name as I fly off towards the titan.

The wind flying in my face as I slice its nape. Running off its shoulders and aiming my gear towards another. After a few titans fall my foot slips as someone calls out behind me.

"Eren!" I get a grip on the titan and Eren slices the nape, "What are you doing?"

"You needed help! So that's what we're here for," he exclaims and I furrow my eyebrows

"We?" I shift my weight to look behind him as I notice the other cadets flying away. "No no no," I mutter to myself. "Eren! What if they-"

He puts a hand up stopping me mid-sentence, "They'll be fine, (y/n), don't worry about them. Worry about yourself,"

"Eren I-" I'm hesitant as I clutch my gear.

"(y/n), Eren," I look over at the Captain who landed behind me. "Are you standing here to get yourselves killed?"

I drop my head loosening the grip on my gear, "No sir," Flying off I go to help out the other cadets. Forgetting about the world as I whizz around with my maneuvering gear. Why are we clearing this area anyways. I move around a hand before hooking onto its shoulder swinging up to slice its nape. Don't they know that this is dangerous? My thoughts wander as I mindlessly swing my blades not realizing I'm on the last one. They probably don't even care. They just want more money and don't mind losing a few cadets.

Watching the titans slowly fall as I wipe some sweat from my forehead I look around. Calling my horse so I can get closer to the other titans I wait in the shade of the trees. We ride through the grass and I look around at all the smoke from the titans we've managed to take down. Noticing there are still so many more titans that we need to get through.

With a sigh, I hop off my horse looking around once again still astonished by how many titans there are. Not wanting the horse to get hurt I gently slap it and it goes riding off with a neigh. The rest of the way I simply run since there are no trees for me to use my gear.

"Of course we could clear a forest because that would be too easy," I mutter to myself as I hook on to the ankles of a titan. Slicing right under the back of the knee it falls to the ground and I quickly fly up to its nape.

Getting in the groove once again the steam fills the area around me making it harder to see. I run out covering my mouth as I cough, the smoke tickling my throat. There's a titan standing not doing anything and I furrow my eyebrows as I slowly make my way towards it. Aiming for the knees so I can slice just below.

The sound of metal breaking makes my eyes widen as I watch them fall by my side. Shit, I aim towards its nape but my hooks won't go in.

"What the-" the large hand comes swinging towards me the impact of the hand closing around me making my breathing stop. I try screaming but nothing comes out everything feels like it's in slow motion as I am slowly lifted. "No," I mutter to myself before I start yelling for someone to help me.

His eyes are wide as I extend my hand towards him. I feel the grip tighten around my waist and the blood rises in my throat. The crunch is loud as I fall to the ground but instead, I'm caught. I don't want to say anything knowing the only thing coming out of my mouth is the blood instead I smile at the cadets. My eyes feel heavy as small sobs are all I hear. I don't feel pain but I know the lower half of my body is gone. Yet, there is something that is holding back all the pain and fear I feel as I close my eyes.

The screaming around me quickly quietens as my eyes shoot open my body sitting up in my bed. My breathing is heavy as I grab my pillow and scream into it tears flowing down my face. The connections and memories flowing through my mind. Curling up into a ball on my bed I furrow my eyebrows at a picture on my desk. I stand up and notice it's of all the cadets.

"How?" I trail off as my eyes come across someone who matches my features. As I stare longer at the picture a smile turns the corner of my lips up, "A souvenir," I whisper to myself.

(y/n): It worked

[overdue chapter i apologize :(sorry if it ended abruptly but...I've been having such a hard time with this story. I'm so sorry. i can revisit this later but :') ttyl]

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