Chapter 4

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I feel my body wake up but scared ill be back in the real world I keep my eyes shut. Letting out a sigh I slowly open them to find I'm not at home. I quickly sit up in my bed a smile on my face. Jumping out I quickly get ready and head down to the dining hall.

"Helloooo," I sit down next to Armin and Eren softly placing my tray down.

"What's got you in a good mood, (y/n)?"

I smile before taking a piece off my bread, "I'm here with you guys," I give Armin a smile.

He chuckles, "That is something to be happy about,"

We converse for the rest of breakfast before heading out and doing some warm-ups. After a few laps, I find myself panting against the wall. I might be fast but jeez, the resistance is not there, I think to myself as I try catching my breath.

"Tired already (y/n)?"

"What?" I squint up at Levi towering over me, "Oh, no sir,"

"Get up and get your gear on,"

"Yes sir," He walks away and I lay my head back closing my eyes.

"Now Cadet,"

I scramble to get up giving him a salute as he limps away, noticing the limp that wasn't there yesterday. Taking a deep breath I head over to put my gear on. Smoothly sliding everything on as if it's second nature. We're told why we need to head out but something about this mission feels off. I shake the feeling as I sit on the horse listening to Erwin talk. I smile, my head tilted as I admire his features along with his words. I turn to look at the other cadets who all seem to be moved by his message.

Once everyone cheers we head out of the walls to gather the information we need. I zone out only to hear my name being called, I turn my head to find Eren looking at me, a worried expression on his face.

"What's up Eren?"

"Are you okay, (y/n)?" I slightly tilt my head giving him a smile.

"Of course," In reality, I'm thinking about reality. Asking myself how long I'm going to be here, and how long I've already been here.

"You think we'll be able to get the female titan?"

I shrug, "Maybe, who knows,"

I'm not sure how close we will even get to catching the female titan. The memories of losing Levi's squad flicker in my mind and I furrow my eyebrows not remembering actually being there. Still, I feel grievance as I knew most of the cadets, who we lost, dropping my head as a memory of Petra, Eld, and Oluo plays in my mind.

Sighing, I stand next to Eren and Mikasa while we wait for Armin to convince Annie. I walk slightly behind everyone my hood up, making sure Annie doesn't do anything out of the ordinary. Once we arrive at the tunnel I stand a few feet away from Annie watching her. The others have already walked down some of the steps before turning around.

"Annie, what's wrong?" Eren yells out, I furrow my eyebrows when she tells him he's afraid of the dark. Feeling that something is wrong I take a step back.

"If we aren't going above ground I won't help,"

"Stop screwing around!"

"Eren, don't shout," Mikasa tries to calm him down

"For some reason, there hasn't been anyone nearby for a while,"

I freeze, resisting the urge to look at the cadets on the roofs of the nearby houses.

"Annie, come on," I try, she turns her head to face me. I take a step back at the crazed look in her eyes before she looks down at Armin. Now she seems hurt as she goes on about the way he's looking at her.

"Why did you have Marco's Maneuver Gear?

Connecting the dots as Armin and Annie converse I look at Mikasa. She's furious before she steps forward and pulls her blades out. I do the same my eyes on Annie the whole time. I take a quick glance at the other cadets on the roof before looking back. She starts laughing and in shock I drop my hands the tip of my blade almost touching the ground.

"This is where my bet begins," I furrow my eyebrows once again and she raises her finger up to her mouth. Armin shoots his flare gun and I step out of the way for the cadets to grab her.

A cloth is placed in her mouth and she lifts her hand up revealing a ring with a sharp tip coming out of it. My eyes widen but my body tells me to get out of there. Thinking about everything that's going on I aim my ODM gear. I continue to fly away from the area turning around when I hear a loud bang. I shield my eyes at the bright strike of lighting before falling hard on a roof. Letting out a groan and a few coughs I lift myself up on my knees. I look over at the flash that is now a female titan.


"Sir," I stand up with a salute on the verge of tears.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes," I drop my head, "I left them there," I feel my eyes water, "I could have-"

"You couldn't do anything,"

"But sir,"

"(y/n), what you can do is fight. We need to save as many people as we can. Luckily we have you to help us," he places a hand on my head. Knowing he only likes to hit people and rarely shows any form of affection I nod. He tells me to follow him and I think of all the pain he must feel haven't lost so many people close to him. I sigh before landing next to him.

Looking around I notice Eren, Jean and Armin under the rubble of what was the tunnel. Eren is under a rock and Armin and Jean seem to be trying to motivate him. His face is down and I go to step off only to be pulled back by Levi.

"Sir, I have to go see what's going on,"

"Let's focus on the female titan, those idiots know what they're doing,"

"But sir,"

"Let's go cadet," his voice is stern and I hesitate before following behind him.

[i had a hard time writing this chapter it was sitting in the drafts for a good month sigh send ramen and boba pls and ttyl]

Lost Talent - AOT x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz