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(( DEATH NOTE! are you serious? )) said Anas
🔹Ismail (( i swear mate, it's all truth ))
🔸Anas (( look you've spent 2 years trying and trying to find the mysterious girl MISA MISA, you have to stop it's a dead case ))
🔹ismail (( i found her ))
🔸Anas (( really how? where? ))
🔹Ismail (( you remember when some hackers hacked YouTube?,  well 7 days before that, i entered into the blackchat, i found 10 of the best hackers are planning to attack youtube servers, they copied and videos and put it inside a black web site, the copied everything, even the deleted and the blocked videos, i searched DEATH NOTE inside that site and i found 2 videos, the strange is that the channels are no longer exists and the owner of this videos died mysteriously, the first video was useless but the second was the lost piece, the video was made by a girl, blonde hair, red eyes. she was so afraid. she showed an encrypted paper written by her then the video ended, i searched for her name but i didn't find any anything. ))
🔸Anas (( ughgh another dead end ))
🔹Ismail ((haha not this time because i decrypted it and guess what i found, one word JUSTICE ))
🔸Anas (( and you believed it 😂))
🔹Ismail (( if we cut JUSTICE to 2 part we'll find JUST and ICE))
🔸Anas (( remember idiot, the code is 5 numbers not 3 letters 😂))
Ismail (( what is ICE? , its the Frozen Water isn't? i searched for ICE on Google but didn't find any, then I searched on Dark Web but same results, i didn't give up and keep searching then a text appears on the screen *CONGRATULATIONS YOU SOLVED THE PUZZLE OF 99 REPETITION ON "ICE"* Then the browser start downloading a file, and soon after it has finished i opened it and found :

📃DEATH NOTE, a fallen book from the realm of the Death Gods, with the power to kill people in any way he desires. found by My love Light Yagami, he's used it to judge the world, to end evil. but the smartest detectives of the world succeed to stop him and killed him, the Chinese and the American governments took the DEATH NOTE and used it in the second world war against the German Army. After the war, democracy has been implemented, Five leaders from five major countries from every continent met and put the rule of the ICE, the supernatural note will be passed between those countries, each country will keep it safe for 10 years. without using his powers, the death note will stay in each contient 20 years.
I'll Die after the first name

🔸Anas (( nice but how do u know where is it now ))

🔹Ismail (( i don't, i searched everywhere but nothing ))
🔸Anas (( you remember when we searched about your science homework last year and didn't found it, then we used my father's account to access to the Secret global library? ))
🔹Ismail (( i don't think that we can find something there))
🔸Anas (( there's is one way to find out ))

Anas uses his father's account and enter to the Global secret library,, typed RULE OF ICE
🔸ANAS screaming (( i found something!))
🔹Ismail ((really what is it ))
Anas (( its written *rule of ICE is the most secret rule created by the human race, in 1960....* bla bla bla, here i found it :  USA from 1960 to 1980 ,   China 1980, Russia 1990 , Germany 2000, France 2010, the first country to recognize America as an independent country 2020.. ))
🔹Ismail stopped Anas and chocked (( what did you said now, its Morocco, Oh my god, can't believe it))
🔸Anas (( ughgh what now))
🔹Ismail ((Morocco is the first country haha ))
🔸Anas ((nooo way, death note is here ))
🔹Ismail (( at least we know its real ))
🔸Anas ((congrats mate ))

DEATH NOTE 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora