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( let's play with Korean people  ) said Ismael with a scary smile, power on his phone and search for BTS group and their manager name, open the Death Note and write

11 nov 2020
Kim Sejin the mɑnɑger of the BTS define ɑ live Tv interview for the group ɑt 12ɑm

Ismael wrote the way of death

11 nov, 12 am

Ismael is waiting for the live to begins, live starts and manager starts

( we didn't sleep last night because of the horrible event and our group wanna say something to our American fans ) the leader of the group take a step forward and says ( Unfortunately We Are Next, enjoy our last song and children close your eyes please ) he took a step back to stand in the same line as the rest of the group, the manager join them, they start singing, when they finished, each one of them carries a knife and begins to open his chest and stomach, and blood is dripping from his guts, blood is everywhere, they kept losing blood till they die, the live stopped, the presenter says ( the detectives have found a paper where each one of them wrote his name in it, is it the same killer? is that god, is he judging us because of our sins, the Korean people can't believe what happened today, but, now as we speak detectives are searching for a sign to lead them to the killer, and today trending hashtags on twitter and Facebook and Instagram are #godsaveus #cruellives, and now I'll let the detective Muller Cristof give you more details,
before the detective starts his speech, he pulls out a paper where  his name is wrotten in it, then holds his gun, puts it inside his mouth and shoots.

Light with a short smile on his face ( your heartless

suddenly the president of USA said : ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, men and women, everyone is living a hard situation, i don't know if I'll die after this words or no but we were hiding something, a book that have special powers, the power to kill anyone, he needs to picture his face and write his name in it. we hided it to protect everyone from evil that we are living now and we are sorry to make you live it, the search has begun and the brilliant detectives of the world are searching for him, God Bless You All

Ismael starts laughing ( HAHAHA God Bless You All, let's see who can stop me )
Light ( who's next? )

Ismael starts laughing evilly  ( tomorrow gonna be better )


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