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( Light who's gonna die after i write the first name ) said Ismael
💀Light with a sad voice ( my heart )
🔹Ismael looks at Light and said ( she really loves you, after all those years and she still think about you )
💀Light ( did you ever loved someone )
🔹Ismael ( no )
💀Light ( it's obvious, i can feel your cold heart, your loneliness behind that social face, that's why you choosed music, you make music because you have a lot of free lonely time )
🔹Ismael starts laughing out loud and said ( how can i trust a girl and give her my heart, my time, and the closest people i know keep betraying me )
💀Light ( and your asking why he choosed you )
🔹Ismael ( Why? )
💀Light get closer, whispers ( because your numb, you don't have feelings, they are dead like me HAHAHA, he knows that you'll be a legend, the perfect one, feelings make humans weak but alive )
🔹Ismael ( then  there is no difference between us )
💀Light ( right, your dead like me HAHAHA, but i can see a little hope inside your heart, you want to be loved, you want someone to care about you, keep you warm inside, but u need to know, after the first name, even that little hope will fade )
🔹Ismael ( i don't mind, my heart is just for beating and keep me alive, not for loving )
💀Light ( i wish i were like you, perfect, i wish i didn't fall in love with her, i died for her )
🔹Ismael ( and now she's suffering because of what you did )
💀Light looks away ( can you please write a name )
🔹Ismael ( before you die how many name you've wroten )
💀Light ( 1 204 925  )
🔹Ismael ( wow I'll let the world know that KIRA is come back, 10 times worse than ever ) starts laughing out loud


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