Split Clean.

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Sylvester sat in the snow, upset and lost. He wasn't very happy, and was only being kept alive from the frigid temperature of winter. It was cold and pleasant for him, but unpleasant for Sebastian. Who he'd found himself getting knocked out of when he'd nearly died from the cold approximately ten minutes ago. Sylvester had gotten confused and tried his best to unlatch from Seb in panic and mostly out of instinct to stay alive.

Now he was just lost and sad, holding onto the cat mask he so desperately tried to strap onto his face again to hide his drooling maw. He couldn't even see without Sebastian, and the snow just muddled his senses entirely. He didn't think he'd miss that little bugger this much, but Sly was friends with him at this point.

Now, it was just a matter of finding a way back to Seb.

Better said than done.
Sylvester bumped into walls occasionally as he tried to make his way through the snow. He considered changing his form to get around better, but felt insecure as soon as he tried considering it. He flattened his ears to his head and launched himself forward in the snow only to face plant in it. It was at least two feet deep surely?

Like a poor baby, he just began crying out for Sebastian in his own way, letting off his negative energy and making... Questionable screeches. Only to find himself lifted up a few seconds later, up and out of the snow. At first thankful, he quickly realized who it was as they giggled softly. He thrashed out of instinct and let out more desperate screaming, not taking the time to pause and breathe.

"Awwwwwe my little Sylvester all alooooone~ aren't you just a poor baby!"
The childish tone sealed the deal, and Sylvester tried to bite her angrily. He wasn't going to be made into food by the likes of Coco. She was pathetic! But he found himself being held surprisingly nice for someone who wanted to make a snack out of him, and he just quietly waited for the inevitable.

Only to find Coco carrying him somewhere. She was nice about it, calm, and quietly pet his... Fur? Sylvester let out an irritated grumble as he was pet, but couldn't complain since he was expecting to die instead of being tortured with affection. Coco giggled softly and fiddled with his tail after awhile, in which he had enough and stabbed her side with the sharp spade on the end. Though she just laughed a little more and kept walking with him.
"When I'm back with 'Bastian you better run little Coyote."
Sylvester snarled, eventually figuring out how to talk physically.

Coco let out an audible' awe' and peppered a few kisses onto Sly, letting him cringe in her grasp for awhile.
"Who said Sebastian was going to be your body again, my heartsweet?"
She quickly replied, snuggling her face into his fur some more.

"it's... Sweetheart."
Sylvester corrected quietly, trying to pull away from Coco a little more only to find her hugging him harder.
"And-fuck off Coco, I'm not consenting to merging with a dumbass like you.."
He snarled, trying to relax again.

Coco stopped walking at that, Sylvester feeling the sadness drip onto him. And he couldn't care, he didn't care, Coco was just a young lovestruck demon and he knew that for a fact. It was almost sad that she didn't see her own stupidity.
"But Sylvester! You'll die without Sebastian, and iiiiim your best option. Besides like-Kyokan doesn't mind!"

Sylvester couldn't help but vibrate with anger but he didn't have anything to say in return for awhile. While Coco was right, it didn't make him want to stay any longer. He let his tongue quietly stick out of his mouth to get a taste of the cold air before shaking his head.
"Just because I'm a dick to him doesn't mean I'm not attached. You of all people should understand being attached."
He eventually muttered, embarrassment burning up his ears.
"Just bring me to him dammit."

Coco paused and said nothing for awhile, continuing to walk now as she processed a bit.
"What if... Sebastian doesn't want you?". She asked, soft tone just tickling Sly's ears.

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