Gimme gimme doesn't get

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2223 words

I present to you, Identity Crisis and a new face.

Sebastian stood, crouched and unbalanced unnaturally on the tall light post as he stared down to the passing cars of the city. His cyan eyes reflected the passing lights in blurred motions, his tongue stuck out through his mask as he took in the beauty of the world. Though his job was far from done here, he took in each light from the buildings, the fellow light posts, and the cars. Each car, a new hue for him to taste with his eyes, each one a thing to be appreciated.

The peace of a city, something unheard of in most people's lives, but he could see peace in anything, even a war could show some sort of tranquil moment in his eyes. A small pause for breath in a crimson stained ocean was a small moment to relish being alive still. Though, thoughts are short in a fight for control if you really want to win. Being so sure of victory is a sin.
Unless you really do have the entire world in your grasp.
That's what he thought, anyways.

Until he caught glance of a white truck, seemingly innocent to those without his ability. The red glimmered in Sebastian's eyes, tail flicking with clear interest as he walked to the end of the light post, it not collapsing under his weight surprisingly as he leapt for his stop. As he jumped into the back of the truck with a slam, he staggered, not taking into account the speed it was going and falling backwards. But he made it regardless into the safe cradle of the speed.

Sebastian tasted the air, ignoring the smell of burnt off gas to cherish the sweet smell of what he was looking for. And it was right here in the palm of his hands. He licked his teeth and glanced into the truck through the glass, hunger pecking at his chest to just go for it. But he would wait, he could be patient. He sighed softly and hid back down into the back of the truck.

So, he just laid himself in the back gently, ignoring each bump from the road and thinking about how worth it this would be. A gift to relish, a present nicely wrapped all for him and nobody else. He chuckled darkly, eyes tracing over the dark sky's stars and countless blemishes of light pollution. The world, so beautiful. And all his once his needs were met. The thought could bring a smile to his face just like that, and a small purr built up in his throat.

These eyes, so functional, purposeful. Important things that you take for granted, but as they capture the beauty, they are beauty themselves. He personally preferred deep blue. Like the ocean, housing so many equally amazing creatures at one time, until the line of evolution occurred. Like the beautiful gems of cobalt or lapis in the caves of the land. A lot of things were blue. Like the eyes of the one he saw in the future. Those eyes, deep blue.

Works of art, he could see how lovely they were, but he did not understand their true meaning. While he could get views into the future, so vague were they, and if they were for this timeline or not, he could only hope. Deep blue... Perhaps, someone soon to be important to him, as a powerful toy to have. He smiled briefly to himself as he continued to star gaze, glancing to the reflection of the moon glowing onto the world around him.

Deep blue was perhaps just what was left of someone else though, or perhaps the toy that was his best friend. Sebastian shook his head, unsure of if that was truly it, or a hopeless wish for more colour in his life. He could never get enough, almost an addiction in him to want to see every shade of every colour. He would just have to wait to find out.

Before he knew it, the truck stopped, allowing Sebastian to get up and shake the headache out his head from suppressing his urges, leaping out of the back to get onto the truck's roof and look around at the surroundings. A gas station, though one he did not remember. Thankfully, Quiet. How perfect. He grinned smugly and waited for the present to come out of hiding from inside the vehicle, tail flicking eagerly as he heard the doors unlock. The anticipation was huge until he felt a thin string wrap oh so tightly around his torso.

Sebastian was quickly thrown into the air, instincts resulting him to thrash in the air before landing on his feet with precise balance. He looked around for where the strings lead to, to find a inkling boy in a skirt stood on a power line, clearly his body was light as a feather as the cord held strong. Sebastian in response snapped the string with a yank, the tie on his torso still strong.
Clearly, this wasn't this guy's first rodeo.

He snarled and leapt away onto the gas station's roof to get away from the boy, who quietly was weaving with the gift of magic he so hold. But the aura stung at Sebastian's scars, blood trickling down his arm to drip off his fingers, and a bit dripping into his eyes. So, the world was not in his favour. He sourly narrowed his eyes at the boy as he shaped out his scythe, rushing to him to take a quick slice and dice.

But as soon as he swung, the boy flew up rapidly, the red strings tangled on his fingers untangling and shooting for the other. Sebastian went through with his swing, cutting through the wires of the electrical pole to make a quick forcefield after to defend himself from the upcoming attack. As the lights across the area shut off, he closed his eyes thoughtfully, but realized he had to run as soon as the strings hit his shield. The sickening crack of his magic made him feel insecure, so he threw the scythe at the strings to cut them once more before running for shelter.

Who was this kid? How could a kid beat him so quickly?
Sebastian's insecurities tore at him, as did what strings were tangled around him and digging deep into him, almost strangling him. He gasped for air desperately and opted to teleport above the boy to take a slice with a quick knife, only to be deflected with a force field as well. Wait... His eyes filled with hatred once he realized what this boy was, and he snarled, stabbing the knife through the forcefield out of anger.
His voice darkened, voice dripping with its own distortions as his tail revealed itself to lash angrily.

The boy's blue eyes glimmered once he realized Sly had recognized what he was, the red filling them deeply after as the facade was given up to show a more familiar face. Their mask, one of a Coyote, was as familiar to Sylvester as it was to any other. Their tail was finally able to be seen, swinging for Sly as they spun in the air.
"So, you know why I am here I presume?"
The Coyote Boy asked, strings piercing the knife as they then teleported calmly back to the ground, presumably forming more strings on their fingers.

Sylvester fell backwards a bit as the tail hit him, but fell very neatly, still on his feet with a small stumble. He scoffed in reply, forming a new scythe in his hand.
"Of course, I wasn't born yesterday"
He hissed in reply, standing as tall as he could as he felt the worry cloud his head briefly. Another, just as hungry as he, having set up this trap for him. He licked his dry lips and huffed.

"Ah, lovely! I don't have to tell you, dear."
They happily cheered, clapping briefly before leaping up once again, higher now to the point Sly barely could catch them with his eyes. He in response leapt up onto the electrical post despite the danger to lash his tail unhappily, watching as the red strings shot towards him quickly, in response he just jumped up so they'd miss, using them best he could to run closer to the Coyote.

As quick as he got onto the bridge of string, it quickly collapsed under his feet to try and tangle itself around his legs, him in response just slicing away the material to continue running with his own bits of stairs. He ran, making a forcefield under his feet to push himself up quicker than he and it could fall, getting closer to the damn Coyote.

Taken aback at the sudden violence, the Coyote stabbed their strings into the ground for grip, almost freezing them in place to jump higher and get away from Sylvester as soon as he leapt for them. He nearly fell out of the sky just at that, but caught himself just barely as the wind shot against his body and disoriented him. Though, just as quick, he began running to get to the other again. Perhaps he'd have to be more careful.

The two were quite the equal match all things considered. The only differences between them being their animals, and what magic they decided to master. Sylvester couldn't lie to itself, their use of a power probably once used to sew was creative and admirable. But that just made it want the ability for itself even more. Hunger battered at its spirit, and it shot up taller and farther in its jumps to shoot for the Coyote demon.

Each string was close to hitting him and tangling up with his limbs, but Sly was smart enough to cut them or use them to swing his scythe around to get up farther. The coyote was getting distressed, and he could tell. The urge to just rip them open and feast grew larger, and he eventually got close enough to teleport above them and cut down their back, the blood splattering across his face.

And it was over.

They began to both fall from exhaustion once the hit landed, probably at least a hundred feet up in the sky from the whole fight. Sylvester twisted around and flailed with his cat like instincts, trying to find the best way to land as the air brushed against him. As if he'd live if he hit the ground straight on. While the Coyote followed his motions as well, their thrashing was more out of panic rather than to land.

They seemed to look at each other for a moment with a mutual understanding that this could be it for them both at first, before the nine seconds of free fall were up and they both caught themselves with some form of telekinesis. Sylvester cringed as he dropped himself after, the rocks of the gravel sticking to what parts of his face showed from the broken mask he used to represent himself. however, he got up as quick as he could to look for the Coyote, ignoring his unhappiness and looking for his hard earned present.

Sylvester's reddened eyes caught glance of the Coyote laid on the ground just has he was, bleeding from the wound on their back so much, he couldn't imagine the pain they were in. Not that he cared clearly as he shot forward to pin them down on the ground.
"Awe~ You put up a good fight eh?~"
He taunted, tail flicking gently against the Coyote's chin.
"I must say, you really are a special one. How unfortunate that I won!"

The Coyote tried turning away, whimpering quietly as it was toyed with by the other demon. They shivered as his eyes practically pierced through them though, the two of them aware of what the cat demon was after now that it had won.
"You...You don't have to do this, feline."
They murmured, biting their lip as the other just pressed his knife against their chest. They were already being sipped of their magic, what were they meant to do?

Sylvester scoffed in reply to their plead, just sticking his tongue out.
"You think I'll pass an opportunity to snack on your soul? You're sooooo dumb."
He snarled, pressing his knife to their chest a little harder. His smile turned to a sweet but sinister one though as he thought.
"Wouldn't you do the same? You did lead me here."

The Coyote didn't reply, just cried out against Sylvester's hold in a desperate wish for freedom. Sebastian flinched, frowning before ripping himself away from the Coyote, trying to tear off his mask quickly after in pained screams. Blood dripped from under the mask as he did so, blinding him. But he could at least hear the Coyote getting up to run away. He just kept ripping at the white cat mask for freedom until he bit his own fingers, finding himself dazed after.

Sylvester frowned once he got his eyes set back onto where the Coyote boy was, the only sign of him being there being the blood. He growled to himself, but dusted his clothes off to stand. His next instinct was to just teleport away before Inkopolis Electric came to the site, afterwards just running in the ditch of the highway to get home.
"Damn you, Ratchet."
He hissed, gritting his teeth and angrily pounding his chest.
"That could've carried us to owning this shit hole right away."

But regardless,
he would always have tomorrow to trace the Coyote's stench.


So uh- yeah I dunno that's Kyokan.
I wasn't too descriptive of him since his design is still somewhat pending
But I assure you, 
Sebastian is still short compared to everyone he knows.

And also he's cute! I love him a lot.

If the switching between Sebastian and Sylvester is too confusing, tell me and I'll edit it.

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