Chapter 18

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[Evie, Mal, Uma and Celia made their way through the woods, traipsing to Evie's Castle where they'd agreed to meet up with the boys.]

"I really hope they found Ben," Mal said with a small sigh, her voice soft and worry clearly audible.

"I'm sure we did Mal," Jay said softly. Mal couldn't help but give him a small smile.

"Nice digs," Uma said as she saw Evie's castle which almost looked like a bigger version of the cottage Snow White had stayed in when the dwarves were keeping her safe from her step mother.

"Uma's right, that is a nice looking house," Gil nodded. "I know we already saw it before but it doesn't change the fact that it's a nice place."

"I wouldn't have found it without Snow's help," Evie said, giving the royal a kind smile.

"I got a really good deal," Evie told her as they made their way inside.

"One aided by the real estate agent seeing mom's bow and arrows," Emma grinned.

"Emma..." Snow said lightly but one could hear the amusement in her voice if one listened closely.

Once inside, they could see that the Smee twins and Dizzy had been affected by Audrey's sleeping curse.

Facilier knew it wasn't exactly Isle like behavior but all he knew was he was happy at least two of his kids were safe from the sleeping curse. Oh he felt a smidge bad for the Tremaine girl since she was Celia's good friend.

Wait a minute...where was Freddie?

"Thank Gods we were in Wonderland," Ally sighed, resting against Freddie and unknowingly answering Facilier's question. "Hopefully the curse missed us there."

"Hopefully," Freddie nodded, looking over at her sister and her friends. Sammy had scooped her twin brothers into her arms and was holding them close to her as her father watched on with a sad smile.

"Harry'll make sure they're safe," Harriet whispered to her girlfriend. "He takes being Uma's first mate seriously and knows you're mine. A first mate's family is an extension of them."

"I know," Sammy whispered back. "But that doesn't stop the worries creeping into my brain."

"I know Sammy, I know."

Meanwhile, over in the Charming section, Dizzy had been scooped up by the Charming sisters.

"Okay Charmed ones, let her breathe," Chad said but his voice betrayed the worry he too felt. The kids were inside, and there didn't seem to be any open windows. Could it have crept in somehow?

"It's a sleeping curse—"

"I know Kat. But your future selves are all experiencing it too," Chad said softly. And I hope you're not all still at the Enchanted Lake, that someone who was still awake moved you back to the school or someplace safe. "It's the future right? But it may not happen."

Kitty nodded slowly. "Who gave you a blast of maturity?"

"I am two years older than you," Chad said with a small chuckle.

The Smee twins were curled up next to each other, one waving his hand as if to ward off a bug, while Dizzy was on the other end of the sofa.

Celia looked on, rather shocked, before turning to Dizzy who had started to groan in her sleep; as if she was having a nightmare.

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