Chapter 6: Finally, A Break

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Chan’s pov:
This shit is stressful. I could do with a break but of course when you run the
business, there are no breaks. I rub the space between my eyebrows and at the
hinges of my jaw trying to un-tense these spots.
“It's alright. Minho will be able to come in later and he can take over for a bit
then.” I say to myself, trying to keep my motivation up.
Sadly enough this is the usual for me. I don’t get much sleep obviously working
late nights plus the adding of my anxiety keeps me up until I physically cannot stay
awake any longer and eventually pass out. Passing out isn’t the ideal considering it
messed with my head and I don’t end up remembering what happened in the
moments before I fell asleep. But sleep is sleep I guess so I'll take it anyway.
“Ugh i can't do this anymore.” I stand up out of my desk chair and go in search of
some Tylenol to help my growing headache. Why are all the drawers empty? Where is the goddamn meds in this place? We should probably invest in a
medicine cabinet of the basics...
My train of thought is cut off by a hand placing itself on my shoulder. Naturally I
turned my head to see who this hand belonged to.
“Hey hyung!” Smiled a long haired hyunjin. I smile back despite my current
“Hey jinnie. How was your main stage today?”
“It was really good! The lighting was perfect like always. Thanks for that!”
I let out a small chuckle.
“Of course jinnie, that IS part of my job after all.”
“You have a lot of jobs within your job. Do you need more people to help you out?
Like with night cleaning n stuff?” He gave me a more so worried look this time.
“Hm?” I tilt my head.
“No, I've managed so far. Why do you think i need help?”
“It just seems like a lot to me. I dunno. Plus you are not looking too hot for a
supposed hot shot if you ask me.”
“I'm not?” Do i really look that bad??
“Not in the slightest. You have circles under your eyes, calluses on your hands,
scars from broken glasses, your hair is disheveled within 2 minutes of arriving and
you’re always slumped over. Not to mention Minho hyung constantly catching you
sleeping at your desk.”
I look to the floor disappointed in myself. I was trying to keep it a secret that I was
“Ah..” was all that left my mouth. I should’ve done better and not have worried
Minho or Hyunjin.
“How about you take a break. Its mine as well, let's go somewhere yeah?”
“Jinnie I’d love to but I have to stay here, Minho is not clocked in yet.”
“Chan hyung, you've been running with the current staff for a while now with no
mistakes. Im sure if you left the club for a little bit, things would be a-ok.”
I contemplate it for a moment. I am kind of hungry...
“Hmm.. okay but we make it quick yeah? I don’t want to leave it for too long
without Minho here.” Hyunjin throws his hands into the air in excitement.
“YES! You won't regret it hyung!! Lets go! Grab you jacket and stuff, were gonna
eat first!”
And with that I was dragged out of The Drummer Boy.

A/N: Just a little filler as we work on planning out everything. Hope you enjoyed! Look forward to the next couple chapters. Things are about to get interesting.... ;)

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