Chapter 5: Eating Colors

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Felix POV
“There ya go bud! Toothless is ready to take home.” I smile, handing the
toothless plush he just stuffed to a 5 year-old boy.
“Thank you sir!” The boy smiled before walking off. I sigh, Jeongin is on break
so I’m all alone. Not really, there’s my other co-workers but my work buddy
isn't here so I feel alone.
“Felix.” A voice spoke, a voice I knew immediately.
“Hey Changbin.” I smile at him.
“What are you sulking for? You work in one of the brightest locations. What if
a child sees you frowning?” Changbin smirks.
“Oh it's been pretty slow today so i think im fine.” I reply, sass in my tone.
“Where’s Jeongin?” Changbin looks around for the boy.
“On break.” I say flatly.
“Ah, and you're jealous? When’s your break?” Changbin snickers. I look at the
clock for the 10th time that hour and my eyes widen.
“5 Minutes!” I exclaim, grinning. Changbin chuckled as I ran to clock out for
my break. When I returned, I waved bye to my co-workers and left the store,
Changbin following behind me.
“Wait. Don't you work today?”I ask, looking at Changbin confused.
“I dont start till 5 today.” Changbin replies.
“Lucky.” I groan. Changbin shrugs,
“So how do you spend your break?”
“I normally wander, maybe grab a snack from the food court.” I say, swinging
my arms.
“I actually haven't eaten yet. Let's go there.” Changbin drags me to the
escalator. We walked to the food court, with me stopping at Spencer's real
quick to check something.
“What were you checking?” Changbin asks, very confused as to why I looked in
one section and then left.
“Checking for an item. It's November! Christmas is close, so im tryna save up
for presents.”I smile.
“So i'm paying for our snacks…?” Changbin gave me a ‘really?’ look.
“Well you don't have to.”
“Whatever, i'll pay.”
“You really don't- wait- really?”
“Yeah. I have spent any of my last paycheck and I get paid in 2 days so- why
not.” Changbin shot me a small smile. I return the smile as we step into the food
“Alright. Where to?”
“Hm...I want 궁중떡볶이*!” I grin. (*Gungjung Tteokbokki, aka Royal Court
Rice Cake.)
“궁중떡볶이 it is.” Changbin replied, dragging me to buy a couple small
portions, as it was just a snack.
As they ate, one of my daily weird (genius) thoughts came up.
“What if we could taste color?” I ask, completely serious.
“Tasting colors.”
“I heard you but thats so random-”
“Yeah well i'm random.”
“That doesn't make sense unless you have the power to eat colors.”
“Sounds cool to me.”
We finished eating and began to head back when I froze.
“You okay Felix?” Changbin asks, waving a hand in front of my face.
“Yeah. I just remembered it's a long break day! Lets go visit Jisung!!” I grin,
dragging Changbin out of the mall and down the road, and stopping in front of
the club.
“This place?” Changbin looks at me, I mean, i probably don't seem like one to
go to clubs let alone STRIP clubs.
“Yes. I'm friends with the dancer, Addict.”I nod.
“...ohhhh. Really?” Changbin walked in with me.
“Yup. Oh there he is!... Giving a dance we’ll wait over here.” I drag Changbin to
the bar. I spun my chair to face the stage, and so Jisung could spot me after the
dance he was giving. Changbin did the same. Dream Of You by Chungha began
playing through the club and the stage lights went 50 shades of gray, one silver
spotlight landing on a masked man with blonde hair that reached to just his
shoulders. Changbins heart sped up watching the performance of the
mysterious dancer.
“Changbin?” I touch his shoulder.
“Huh- oh whats up?” He asks me, not realizing I caught him staring at
“Nothing. You just kinda spaced out.” I say, looking over to where Sungie was
and waving him over.
“Hey Felix. Long break day?” Jisung asks, plopping down next to me.
“Yeah but it won't last long. We ate before coming here so I just thought I'd say
hi.” I explain, pointing to Changbin.
“Oh, i've seen you before! You talk to the bosses alot.” Jisung smiles. Changbin
nods in return.
“Anyways, like i said. Just a quick hi. I’ll be here tonight though, before it gets
really busy. As usual.” I say, patting Jisungs head.
“Alrighy. You two head back, see you later Lix!” Jisung then walks off to
probably give another dance.
“Bye Sungie! Alright. Lets go.” I grin, walking out with Changbin and back to
my bright, all smiles job.

A/n: Felix chapter done & posted! Hope you enjoyed.

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