Chapter 4: Seungmins Boyfriend

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why Seungmin decided to take his required humanities course on Mondays at 8 am, he
truly had no idea. He was pretty sure his advisor had it out for him and wanted to make
that semester hell for him.
that or his advisor knew that a certain other boy would be in that class as well.
because, if seungmin was being honest, as much as he was considered by friends and
family as "one of the sweetest people to ever exist on the face of the earth," his
experience with relationships is almost non-existent. he never dated anyone in middle
or high school not because he didn't want to, it's just that dating wasn't really something
that concerned him. sure, he found people cute, but that's as far as it went.
and then a freshman just so happened to walk into his 8 am intro to world lit class with a
skateboard in one hand and a venti sized solid black coffee in the other, looking like
death that could be on wheels.
don't ask why seungmin found that cute, he won't be able to give you an answer to that.
{"no, but i looked awful that day- every day for that matter! what on earth made you
think 'i wanna date this boy???'"
"i told you, i have no idea! you’re just cute!"}
which yeah, seungmin found the boy cute, even though he looked like he was on the
verge of collapsing from exhaustion. nothing new, as stated before he found people
the feelings kicked in after they were assigned to be partners for a presentation. it kind of happened slowly, yet all at once really.
over the two weeks he spent messaging the boy (jeongin, the boy would tell him the first
day they worked together,) he felt like he was talking with an old friend. it was almost
scary how well they clicked with each other. it was scary for seungmin because he's
never gotten these types of feelings for someone this fast before, or even at all.
the two would call or visit each other's dorm room, sometimes not even to work on the
presentation, but to just sit down and talk about their day or what was going on in the
world around them or why robots (2005) was a criminally underrated masterpiece.
although every time seungmin saw jeongin in class (or at least in the first ten minutes of
class,) he looked like every ounce of his soul had been drained from his body,
seungmin over time learned that he was a sweet and cheery boy who joked around and
had a laugh that sounded like pure serotonin. for the two weeks they worked together,
this was the side of jeongin that became most familiar to him.
he slowly began to fall for the underclassman without even realizing it until he hit the
there was one day in particular, the weekend after their project was presented, and the
two boys were just talking in jeongin's dorm room because they now considered
themselves friends. at some point in their conversation, an alarm started blaring from
jeongin's phone, startling both of the boys but the freshman even more so. seungmin
noticed his eyes blown wide and his face going pale. he reached for his phone, shutting
off the alarm before hesitantly turning towards seungmin.
"i hate to ask you this, but i uhh..." he didn't necessarily sound like he was trying to find
the right words, but he sounded more scared to ask whatever was on his mind. "i forgot
that my t-shot was today and, even though i'm happy to be on hrt, i'm still not good at
giving the injections on my own. my dormmate usually helps, but he's not here..."
"I can help you, if that's what you're asking."
jeongin looked at him with a confused yet surprised expression, like he wasn't expecting
that response, least of all that quickly. "i mean, a-are you sure? it's ok if you don't wanna
do it. i mean, i didn't even think to tell you about.. y'know..." he mentioned as he
motioned towards his body, hoping seungmin would pick up what he was putting down. "jeongin, it's totally ok. we're friends, right? friends help each other. sure, you might
have to tell me how to do it because i've never stuck a needle in someone before, but i
want you to feel like you can count on me for things like this."
a comfortable silence filled the dorm as jeongin's expression turned understanding, soft.
"friends do help each other. and i want you to count on me for things like this too."
it was when the two were looking for the alcohol pads and a syringe that the weight of
their words came crashing down on seungmin.
the boy that, despite coming into class looking tired, always left with a smile on his face.
the boy who's giggles brightened up any room he was in. the boy who wanted to be a
teacher and you could tell he was passionate about it because he would get sparks in
his eyes and energy behind his voice when talking about it. the boy that seungmin
wanted to see every side of.
nearly three weeks. it took nearly three weeks to realize that this wasn't just infatuation
with a pretty face anymore. it was so much more than that.
"seungmin? you're blanking out on me."
he snapped out of it, looking at the box of alcohol pads in his hands and turning towards
the freshman. "sorry, i just zoned out for a minute. what did you say?"
jeongin gave him a sweet smile, one that of course sent his heart into overdrive. "i said
thank you. for doing this. and being ok with me being trans. you're really cool and sweet
and... yeah. just, thank you."
"jeongin, if you ever meet someone who's not accepting of you, they don't deserve the
time of the day. i'm not trans so i'll never fully know what you've gone through to get to
this point. but you're cared for and loved so, so much." at this point, seungmin's just
rambling, but he knows that he means every word. "and for the record, you're also really
cool and sweet. probably the sweetest person i've ever met-"
seungmin didn't get a chance to finish his sentence before he felt a pair of arms wrap
around him in a hug.
"thank you. thank you so much," jeongin mumbled into seungmin's shirt. and for a while, they just stood there in the bathroom, holding each other in the
comfortable silence of the dorm. they did eventually sit down and get the t shot out of
the way, but it was definitely the few hours where seungmin found himself having
feelings he didn't quite have before.
he was scared, but he wanted it to go somewhere. he wanted this to turn into something
special and something beautiful.
he found out about a week later that apparently, jeongin wanted that too.

[Contact: jeongin :)]
hey, do you wanna hang out this weekend at some point? :0

sure! study session or do you just wanna hang out?


ya boi (me!) has two tickets to a midnight showing of some cheesy dramatic action
movie that a certain boy i think is cool (you!) has been talking about ever since i met him

if that sounds p intriguing to you 👀

i... jeongin

are you asking me out?


im trying to sound cool but im actually rlly nervous and panicky rn hhh

if you don't feel that way about me that's cool ! i don't rlly expect you to but yeah that

you're just rlly cool and kind and your smile is nice and everytime we hang out i get like?
this rush of happy feelings and i would really like to get to know you more, if that's ok.



i would love to go out with you, jeongin.



yeah! ok cool! nice! i would to love to go out with you too !

and i just said that first yep i know i already said that ok !

omg you're a dork

i'm aware !! u tell me this constantly and i'm not! complaining!

sorry i'm rambling i'm just excited and hngngg

seungmin: no no!! it's cute


so that's how seungmin, after a movie date and a few study dates in the campus dining
hall, secured his first boyfriend.
he was still over the moon about it, but apparently did super well in hiding it if his
coworker, minho, didn't notice until he brought up that he did, in fact, have a boyfriend.
he had a boyfriend.
oh my god, he had a boyfriend.
it's been a week since they became official, but that thought alone still made him giddy.
god, what has that boy done to him?
it's a cool november morning when seungmin is still in his thoughts, putting up new cups
near the register when he heard the bells on the front door ring and the light from inside
come in through the open door into the nearly empty cafe.
"hello, welcome to Starbucks, how may i help y-" he was about to finish his sentence
before he looked up to see who had walked in, only to see that smile that seemed to
brighten up any room. he felt himself smile back at the boy in front of him. "hey, i didn't
expect you to be here!"
"you mentioned working here so i wanted to come pay a visit," jeongin said as he
looked around the cafe, which despite it being a chain franchise run by money-hungry
corporations, still managed to have a unique sense of warmth and home-y feeling to it.
"is it just you who's working here?"
"seungmin," came a drawn out, exhausted voice from the back room, "we're getting the
new shipment of matcha in today but i'll be a while so-" the man paused, noticing the
two boys near the register who are awfully close to each other.
"oh my god, seungmin, is that him?"
seungmin could feel the smile on his face grow impossibly bigger, which minho probably
thought was weird since he's never really smiled this big in front of his coworker before.
"yeah. minho, this is jeongin. my boyfriend"

A/n: our longest chapter. Done by one of our amazing creative authors, Maven. 1770 words my guy. Nice!! Hope yall enjoyed. New chapter from me on its way~

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