Chapter Three: Boyfriends, crushes & miniskirts

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Minho POV
Ah. The usual schedule. Get home late, get as much sleep as i can, wake up early, and
lastly go to my second job at the mighty Starbucks.
“Minho-Hyung! Hey i know its early but can i ask you to do the machines set up? I
promise ill do furniture and back!”

I lift my tired head and see Seungmin. Ooo I want to resist so bad. I'm way too tired for
this. Instead of a response i simply glare at the puppy eyed boy. He continued to give
me too bright of a smile and hopeful eyes. Of course i couldn’t resist. Don’t get me
wrong though. It's only Seungmin I can't resist like this. He’s just too cute.
Sighing I move to the coffee machine and begin setting it up. Seungmin claps excitedly.
“Yes! Thank you Hyung!”
That boy sure has a lot of energy for so early in the morning. Why’d I choose the first
morning shift? I have my club to attend to until late hours of the night, there’s no way I'll
be functioning at this hour. At least Chan is nice and offers to do the super late night
work. It’s supposed to be co-owned but sometimes
it feels like he does so much more than me in running it.
Before I knew it, Seungmin and I had both finished set up. At least I don't have to work
drive thru. *Bing* I pull out my phone to check the text I got.
Chan: Jisung got that mini skirt you wanted to keep him away from so badly.
Try to keep it together at work okay?
I glare at my phone screen. “Tch. ‘Try to keep it together’? Seriously? Of course i can
keep it together, its just Sung.” I mumble to myself.
Seungmin looks over my shoulder and before I could react, he reads the text message
and starts asking questions.
“Who is Jisung? Why don’t you want them wearing a mini skirt? You have a job outside
of this Starbucks?” He asks question after question. Great. How do explain to this kid
that i actually co-own one of the most famous strip clubs in the entire city and that
‘Jisung’ is one of our best dancers and i have a crush on him that i shouldn’t have as his
boss and THAT is why i don’t want him wearing mini skirts?
“You know if it's relationship problems I might be able to help! I have a boyfriend of my
own after all.” He pats my shoulder reassuringly. My face of course flushes red at the
thought of any sort of actual ‘relationship’ with Sungie. Wait. “SEUNGMIN. YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!"
The dog-like boy laughs “for a while Hyung. He goes to the same college as me! I’ll
introduce you to him sometime if you’d like!” Gosh even Seungmin has a boyfriend by
now. How sad am i. Simping over a dancer under my own business.
More questions arose from the both of us and soon our shifts were over. Which means
nap time at home before going to work number 2, spicy edition.

A/N: Bit of a transition chapter to lift the writers block of one of our writers. Hope you enjoyed. See you next time!

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