Chapter Two: Shoppin For Work

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Sungie’s POV

‘Blurry lines- yeah yeah yeah-’ I groaned as I shut off my alarm. I sit up, rub my eyes and sit
there for a minute, just trying to really wake up. Eventually getting out of bed, I hop into the
shower to wash away anything from the previous night of work. Taking in the warm water as
my freshly dyed hair runs the water down my body blue. I wash and get out, drying myself,
preparing for the day ahead.
*ping* ‘Wanna go shopping? I feel like you should upgrade your wardrobe’ -Hyunjin
I blink at the text a few times before picking up my phone to reply.
‘One, my wardrobe is fine thank you! Two, sure! Right now or..?’
‘Now is fine. -and i meant your stage wardrobe.’ My eyes widened, clicking into what he
‘Ohhhhh, yeah i haven't added anything recently…’
‘Good. i'm outside. Lets go.’ I grin and throw on a t-shirt and ripped jeans. Lacing up my
converse as I head out the door.
“Hey Jisung!” Hyunjin grins at me.
“Hey Hyunjin!” I smile back, trying not to show how exhausted I was.
“So what were you thinking for the next show? Anything specific?” Hyunjin asked as we
headed to the mall.
“Well I wanna add a miniskirt to my collection, I have yet to with Min on my ass about how
I shouldnt.” I groan. Hyunjin nods,
“Yeah he seems more strict with you than anyone else.” I nod,
“I don't even know why! That's why I plan to buy one without him knowing and wear it for
tonight's performance.”
“Oh, well Min said he had more free time these days so he might watch your performance.
Careful!” Hyunjin smirked.
“That's the point! He can’t stop me if I’m already on stage!” I smile. Hyunjin nods in
agreement. We step inside the mall and immediately head to Spencers.
“Oooh, Sungie! Add this to your planned outfit!” I glance over to Hyunjin holding up a
choker with a ribbon tied into a bow on the front. I debated on it, then nodded.
“Yes! You’ll look so good!” Hyunjin places the choker on his arms, which were full of things.
I, on the other hand, have just some fishnet stockings, and some thigh garters. We paid for
our items and walked out, Hyunjin dragging me to a boutique for strippers. How
“Alright. Let’s split up and meet back here in 15.” Hyunjin patted my shoulder and before I
could reply, ran off. I sighed and looked for the miniskirts. Once I found the section, my jaw
dropped at the different colors and patterns. I ended up picking out a blue miniskirt to
match my hair. I stumbled upon some black platform heels on my way to check out. I bite
my lip, debating on getting another pair of heels.
“Jisung! I'm ready! Lets go get lunch after this huh?” I spotted Hyunjin a few feet away at
the spot we were supposed to meet back at. I nodded, grabbed the heels in my size, and
dashed to check out.
Returning home, Hyunjin & I hung out for a few hours before we had to leave for work.
Practicing our routines for tonight on the poles I installed downstairs, I heard loud clapping
once I finished. Hyunjin & I turned to see Felix standing there.
“Hey Lix!” I grinned.
“Hey Sungie. Nice routine. That for tonight?” Felix asked.
“Yep! Got a new outfit for me and everything with Hyunjin here.” I replied. Felix nods,
“I hope you're not too busy but Sungie it’s movie night!” Lix pouted. That’s right, and I
totally forgot.
“Its okay Jisung. Have movie night, I'll let Mr. Bang know you'll be late and he can inform
Min.” Hyunjin spoke, giving Felix & I a quick goodbye before leaving.
This night is going to be very interesting…

A/N: A chapter in Sungiez POV completed by Hann. I think this fic will be really interesting cause of our 3 different writing styles :)

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