Subway Boy

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DID- A disorder characterized by the presence of two or more distinct personality states. Dissociative identity disorder, previously called multiple personality disorder, is usually a reaction to trauma as a way to help a person avoid bad memories. Affects less than 200,000 people a year.

Jackie Torres is an example of someone with DID. This is her story.

Third person POV:

On a chilly Morning in New York City, a girl by the name is Jackie Torres was riding the subway in peace before 2 girls got on. They were talking to each other about Kiwi lip gloss when a voice, more like person, started poking at the front of her conciousness, not fully fronting but able to see and hear everything.

This is called being co-con, which is where the alter, Alice, now resides, wishing to approach the girls. However, dispite those wishes the body stays seated, riddled with social anxiety. Sensing this Alice fully fronts, sending Jackie back into the Alterverse, where everyone resides.

Alice POV:

After fronting, I rub my head trying to get rid of the fuzziness before approaching the girls. I bounce up to them and say in my mid-deep voice, "Hi I'm Alice! I hope we can be friends!"

The brunette smiles and hugs me before, quite loudly, responding, "Hi I'm Riley! This is Maya! I'd love to be your friend! Wanna come to my bay window afterschool?" I nod excitedly before turning to Maya, said girl giving me a smirk.

"So Maya, what are we talking about?" She points at her perky best friend before telling me about Riley and some boy across the train. I smile and look back at Riley. "Lemme show you a thing or two about boys and girls." She nods and I walk over to him and clear my throat, making him look up.

I smile at him before continuing,"Hi I'm Alice. You cute. We should date! I love you. You make me happy. You don't pay enough attention to me! With my sister really?! Ugh, we're done! It's you, not me. We can still be friends, not really. Byyyyeeee!"

With that, I get up and walk back to the duo smirking. "He's available we just broke up." The brunette puts a hand on my shoulder frowning, "Do you need to talk about it." I laugh and say contently, "I think I'll be fine Riley."

~le time skip~

We walk into her classroom, and the teacher looks at us confused. "Riley why are you late to your father's class. And you, who are you?" The last question was directed at me. I give him my slip and say, "I'm Jackie Torres. New Student. Anyways you wrote her a note." Now he looks more confused, "I did?" The other two then pass him said note while stating he did.

Next, they look at me confused and Riley asks, "I thought you said your name is Alice?" I freeze and look at them, "Did I? I meant Jackie" I chuckle nervously amd ask where my seat was. He points to the seat beside some kid named Farkle.

I smile at him and his response was weirdly hot. He winked and said, "New Mysterious lady~." Huh. From anyone else that would've sounded creepy but not him. I giggle back. At the word lady, I feel Zeke fighting to front, causing me to dissociate. I manage to convince him to stop before zoning in and getting a drink of water. See, switching in and out causes us to dehydrate quickly and requires us to need to drink more water.

I feel my head go fuzzy as someone else starts poking at the front. I recognize the feeling as Jackie and allow her to come back out, entering our Alterverse.

Jackie Pov:

"Ugh," I sigh to myself rubbing my head at the ache that has formed. I go to get another drink of water, before realizing its empty. I raise my hand and whoever that teacher is and ask to fill it up. He nods understanding what must of happened and tells me to go.

I walk aimlessly through the halls, trying to find a water fountain. I finally see one and run over, filling my bottle up and getting a drink. I turn and am shocked to see a boy with dirty blond hair. I wave and go to walk away, but he stops me. "Hey, I see you're holding up after our 'breakup'."

At this, I choke on my water. "Our WHAT?!?" He laughs and says, "You really don't remember? It just happened this morning. Anyways, I'm Lucas Friar. Nice to meet you." I assume it must of happened while Alice was fronting and decide to reintroduce myself. "I'm Jackie Torres. You new too?" He nods and offers to walk me back to class. I nod and head off. Seeing the class number, he chuckles and mentions it's his class too before opening the door.

Mr. What's his face looks at me and Lucas and asks, "And you two are?" I smile him for asking since most people don't care. "I'm Jackie. Earlier you met Alice. This, is Lucas Friar." I point to Lucas, as he hands over his slip. I nod my head at who I learn is Mr. Matthews before heading to my seat.

Two girls and a small cute boy look at me very confused before looking at each other. "Bay Window. Bay Window right in 5 hours! You too Jackie!" I raise my eyebrow at her and ask, "I'm sorry? Do I know you?" They look even more shocked before looking at each other again and slowly turning back to the front.

Hey! It's CJ. This chapter was written by Me, Zeke, and Alice! Sorry it took so long!.

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