Getting to know Farkle

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Zeke POV:

After arriving home from detention, I walk in and see my Mother and Step-Father waiting for me. I sit down across form them at the table, already knowing I'm in trouble. My mother is the first one to speak, "Wanna tell us why you got detention today, Jackie?" The fact that she assumes who's fronting always annoys me and the rest of us, but I don't usually fault her for it. She doesn't fully understand after all.  "Well mom. First things first, It's Zeke right now." I explain calmly while pointing to my beanie before continuing. "Secondly, I wasn't going to let my friends get detention alone with some girl who thinks she's all that and a bag of rice. As for what I did, I may or may not have said something about Corey's wife." 

She looked at me astonished, but I ignored her and headed up to my room. I quickly went into the connected bathroom and took a shower before getting comfortable on our bed. Just as I was about to put something on to watch I received a text.

'Thanks for today. We're going to Svorsky's bakery later if you wanna join. It's Farkle by the way :)'

I quickly agree and put some appropriate clothes on before heading out.

Farkle's Pov:

When I got home, I felt odd. Something about Jackie and her Alters make me feel weird. In a good way of course, but still I don't think even Riley and Maya make me feel this way. I quickly pull out my phone and text her to see if she'd be willing to meet us at Svorsky's, Axiously waiting for her reply. Once she agrees I head down, only to be stopped by my father. 

"Hey Farkle, where ya headed to?" I try my best not to look startled before calmly replying, "I'm going to meet up with my new friend Jackie." "A girl? Do you like her?" I got quiet contemplating his question before answering, "Don't know yet. She makes my heart all BLUHAMAGUH, but I just met her so we'll see where it goes." He just smiles at me before telling me not to keep her waiting."

Zeke's Pov:

As I was walking I started to feel a familiar tingle, sensing someone else trying to front. By the feeling, I'm sensing it was Alice, so I sit on a bench and let her take control.

Alice POV:

Damn, It's good to be back. I check my phone and realize Zeke had put a note in the Front tracking app we had installed. "Going to Svorsky's to meet up with the gang," I read aloud. Huh, okay then. I look up while walking and see that I was just down the road. I get there and notice that only Farkle was there. I slowly approach him and sit in the booth across. He seemed to be in deep though, so I snapped my fingers in front of his face. "Farkle? You okay bud? Where is everyone?" 

He smiles at me and ever so casually mentions that he didn't text anyone else. "Why?" With the same smile he's had since he realized I was here, he grabs my hand and says, "They're fun and all but I wanted to get to know you better." Hearing that makes me blush, but I quickly clear my throat and shake my head. What am I thinking I barely know this boy. You're right we barely know him. Shut up Azeena!  Snapping out of my own thoughts, I see Farkle looking curiously at me. 

"Can you communicate with them? You were lost in thought for a while." Seeing my shocked reaction he blushes and says, "Sorry! That's none of my bus-" I quickly cut him off and reassure him that it's okay, which relaxes him a bit. "To answer your question, yes we can communicate. It takes a lot of practice though, and not everyone can do it." 

We spent the next hour or so talking. Well he asked questions about my DID, and I did my best to answer them according to my own personal experiences. I also let him know that my answers were purely personal and didn't apply to everyone with DID, which he understood. Saying my goodbyes, I walk home and change into my Pajama's. I quickly put on "The Labyrinth" starring David Bowie and went to bed, thinking of a certain turtleneck-wearing goofball.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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