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" Ding Ding Ding" i groaned as i threw a pillow at the small alarm next to me. "Damn it" I shouted rubbing my eyes as I stood up. I looked around my room. Nothing was in it. Except boxes upon boxes upon boxes. I waved my wand turning on a small light and pulling the curtains aside. I pulled out a box of cigarets and sat down in my window. It was a habit I had picked up over the summer. A bad one, but you know. You get addicted. As I took the first inhale I felt all my worries and my troubled mind went quit. "Accio outfit" I whispered as The outfit flew onto my bed.
"FOREST" a small voice yelled. I took the last drag before attempting to make the room smell less of cigarettes

"Fores-" violet yelled as she stormed into my room.

"STOP SHOUTING" I yelled back rubbing my temples. The nightmares I had were unbearable. I always woke up with a headache.

"Sorry.." she said as she sat down next to me, in the small window seat. "You know, you don't have to hide it from me, I won't tell mom" she sighed gesturing to the small pack of cigarettes I had hidden behind a pillow.

"Well in that case," I said as I pulled out another one. Finishing the pack. Violet is my little sister. Only a year younger Than me. She's 15. Just as fucked up as me. I watched the sun rise over our beautiful garden. The lake sparkling as the water reflected back on it. Damn I was gonna miss this place.

"Nock nock"
"Come in!" I shouted hiding the cigarette once more.

"Good morning darling" my mother said as she walked inside flicking her wand making my bed. I rolled my eyes at her gesture

"It smells funny in here" she said sniffing around.

"I was with Georgia today it's her" violet lied. Georgia smoked too but her parents knew about it. Violet send me a small smile as I gave her a great full nod.

"Filthy she is, I don't know why you hang around her" mother scoffed sitting down on a stool.
"Forest you should clean up. Your starting school tomorrow" she mumbled looking around. "Yea mama" i sighed looking out at the typical September weather. Most people would hate it. The water falling every time at the day. The sun rarely shinning. But I found it comforting. I loved the darkness. Perfect for my last day alive.
"Girls get ready we're going to brunch soon" violet rolled her eyes imitating my mother. As I let out a stifled laugh.

My mother left leaving me and violet to get ready.
"Who's it at?" I asked knowing it would be some rich pure blood family.

"I've got no idea" violet snickered as she plopped down on the bed.

"Now leave, and get ready!" I hissed picking up the outfit laying under violet. She flipped me of before walking of.
I put on a black corset with a skirt and button up underneath. I straightened my usually curly hair, making it fall just above my collar bones. I applied my necklaces and walked out. My mom and sister were already waiting for me in front of the fireplace.

"Took you long enough" violet snickered as she threw an arm over my shoulders.

"That's because I'm prettier than you" I whispered as she pinched my side. I winced as we both started laughing.

"Enough girls!" My mother shouted making us both silent.
"Stop fooling around! We're gonna make an good impression" my mother said in her heavily French accent. She had learned English rather quick. She wanted to "fit in" I guess

"Quickly get in" she shrieked pushing all of us inside the small fireplace. Mother picked up the flo powder threw it at her feet, and shouted


It all started with a simple brunchWhere stories live. Discover now