56. The Last Year

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A couple of weeks passed since everything and I still wasn't feeling the same. Fred seemed happier and back to his normal self, I just couldn't comprehend everything, mentally or physically. Today was the first day back to Hogwarts of our last year and I stood in front of the tapestry looking at the family tree.

"Come on you - we should be going soon." My dad tells me.

"We? I thought you aren't aloud to come with us." I say, looking at him.

"I want to see you and Harry off." He tells me.

"I don't even want to go." I say to him, "I just don't want to see anyone, I just want to be here with you." I say with tears in my eyes.

"You'll be okay, you have all of your friends who have promised to look after you and Fred as well." He says pulling me into a hug.

"I know, I just don't want to go back, nothing feels right anymore." I say as we stay in the hug.

"I know, but this is your last year and you are quidditch captain and you'll have a good time you'll be home for Christmas as well, our first Christmas as a family, me, you and Harry." He says as we pull away from the hug and he places a kiss on my forehead.

We all went in separate groups and I was grouped up with Anna along with Melody and Jack to get to the platform.

"Well, look after yourselves." Uncle Remus tells the nine of us, shaking everyone's hands and pulling me into a hug, "look after yourself and write, okay?"

I just nod my head.

"Yeah, keep your head down and eyes peeled and don't forget, all of you - careful what you put in writing. If in doubt don't put it in a letter at all." Mad-eye tells us.

All the adults went round saying goodbye to us all and Molly pulls me into a big hug, "write to me okay? And Fred look after her." She says and he just nods his head.

We all get on the train and wave bye to the adults.

"I'll see you all later off to the prefects carriage, I'll see you two in a minute." Jack says looking at Ron and Hermione.

"Well, can't stand around chatting all day, we've got business to discuss with Lee. See you later." Fred tells the younger kids; he and George disappeared down the corridor going to our usual compartment.

"See you all later." Melody and I say and we follow in the boy's footsteps.

"Are you going to tell the rest of them?" Melody asks and I just shrug my shoulders, "maybe tell McGonagall, she's our head of house and can possibly help you."

"Molly said she already wrote to her and she said she'll talk to me within the first few days." I say as we approach the compartment which only had the twins, Lee, Alicia and Katie in, the energy in there was completely different to what I was feeling.

I sat next to Fred and Melody sat next to me. And I rest my head on Fred's shoulder and let the whole world go by talking and I just sat there until I eventually fall asleep.

Fred's POV

Y/n had fallen asleep on me, she looked so peaceful and I could tell this was the first time in weeks she slept properly.

"She still not good after everything?" Alicia asks.

I just shake my head, it's up to y/n to tell them about everything, I didn't want to tell them then upset her.

"I need to talk to her about quidditch anyway," Alicia starts saying, "my workload is too much and I'm not going to be able to do quidditch so she'll have to find another chaser as well." She tells me and I just move the hair out of y/n's face.

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