93. The Second of May ninteen-ninty eight

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I was wrong it could get worse...

The voice of Voldemort then returned and filled our ears once again. "Harry Potter is dead. He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself while you lay down your lives for him. We bring his body as proof that your hero is gone."

"The battle is won. You have lost half of your fighters. My Death Eaters outnumber you, and the Boy Who Lived is finished. There must be no war. Anyone who continues to resist, man, women or child, will be slaughtered, as will every member of their family. Come out of the castle now, kneel before me and you shall be spared. Your parents and children, your brothers and sisters will live and be forgiven, and you will join me in the new world we will start together."

Silence... complete silence, as everyone began to walk out of the Great Hall, unsure of what has happening. People were still crying, grieving their loved ones and I look around and see Anna and Melody hugging each other as Angelina was looking after Katie, Fred had his hand on the small of my back as I decided I wanted to keep the baby with me. Baby Sirius looked so perfect, and so tiny his head filled with ginger hair and I hold on lightly to one of his tiny hands. We stand in the court yard and look at the massive group of Death Eaters in front of us and I see Hagrid carrying someone.

"No!" The screams from Professor McGonagall could be heard, and none of us have ever heard her scream like that.

With the screams of Ron, Hermione and Ginny them filling the court yard as I lean into Fred and he wraps an arm around me.

"SILENCE!" Voldemort shouted, and silence fell over the court yard. "It is all over! Set him down, Hagrid at my feet where he belongs."

Hagrid lowered Harry to the ground, I wanted to cry but I couldn't cry anymore.

"You see? Harry Potter is dead! Do you understand now, deluded ones? He was nothing ever, but a boy who relied on other to sacrifice themselves for him!" Voldemort began shouting at all of us.

With all of the chaos happening, I wasn't really interested in that; I look down at the baby in my arms who for a second I thought moved his little arm as I place a soft kiss to the top of his head before snuggling my head into Fred and I feel Fred look down at the baby and gasp lightly.

"I don't want to panic you but I swear I just saw Sirius move his little fingers." Fred says, and I look down and see the baby's tiny fingers moving around. "I'm so confused."

"Me too." I say, knowing that he was dead, until I feel some message I'm my head.

"Y/n, I sent him back from where he doesn't belong he belongs in your arms and enjoying your love, please look after Melody for me, someone needs to."

Jack's voice rang throughout my head, as I look down at the baby in front of me, knowing that this really was a miracle.

"That was the weirdest thing ever to happen." I say looking at Fred, as I had a slight headache as Jacks voice has still replaying through my head.

Everyone began rushing inside, with Fred making sure we got in quickly and into the Great Hall with his arms wrapped around me and the baby, sheltering the two of us from damage.

A full on fight was happening with the few remaining death eaters and most of the Order members, Bellatrix was fighting Ginny, Luna and Hermione at once she was proving to be too powerful until Molly came along. Molly was filled with anger, sadness and every other emotion a mother needs to push her over the edge.

"NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH!" Molly shouts and Bellatrix begins laughing evilly.

People where running and out of the room as Melody and I sit together as Fred runs back in to help the rest of the order.

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