8. November Snow

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In between essays, making sure I know everything for OWLs, quidditch, spending time with Fred and my friends I rarely have time for myself anymore which I find quite stressful considering I sometimes just like time to myself and I found myself a little bit of time, so I got in comfy pyjamas and Fred's jumper over them, sat in bed and read my book.

After a couple of chapters I heard the door knock, "come in." I say.

I see Fred walk in he smiles at me and I lay the bed down. He bends down and kisses my forehead and sits next to me.

"I feel like I haven't seen you since dinner." He says.

"That's because you haven't, you all seemed like you were all having a good time and needed a bit of time to myself." I put the bookmark in the book and place it down next to me.

"I've missed you though yes everyone is fun but I like spending time with you." He tells me, can't believe he can be affectionate sometimes if I told anyone they wouldn't believe me.

"We barely get anytime together, someone or everyone has to tag along," I say to him as he comes and lays next to me.

I rest my head on his shoulder, "that's true, what about we go on a date next hogsmead weekend?" He asks me.

"Of course I will Freddie, can finally spend some time just us." I say to him as he pulls me into a tighter hug.

"It would be very nice and peaceful as much as I love all the others, sometimes I just like to spend time just us." I tell him.

"I agree and I never get to do this with the others." He pulls me into a deep kiss and by chance the door opens.

"Oh sorry didn't realise you came in here Fred" Melody said.

"Where did you think he went then?" Alicia asked, we all start laughing.

"Every. Single. Time." Fred said under his breath I start laughing at him.

"Did we interrupt something?" Melody asks.

"No Freddie here was just asking me on a date for next Hogsmead weekend." I say.

A chorus of Awwws was heard through the room.

"Anyway love I'm off to bed now." He got up and kisses my forehead.

"Goodnight, Freddie." I tell him.

"Goodnight, Avery." He says as he walks out the room; soon at the door shuts the girls all come running over asking me so many questions.

"One at a time please." I say laughing at them all.

"How did he ask you?" Alicia asks.

"Just casually brought it up as we were talking about that we don't spend enough time together just us." I tell them.

"Well that answers my questions." Angelina says.

"He honestly makes me so happy, and I can see Jack makes you happy Melody, so how's that all going?" We all turn to Melody.

"It's going good he is so loving sometimes, after the many times I rejected him he clearly knew we were eventually going to get together." She said.

"I can't believe within the group we have two couples, so Angelina, Alicia who's having George and who's having Lee?" I ask and start laughing.

"Neither." Both of them say at the same time and we all start laughing.

"Anyway what's everyone's Christmas plans?" I ask them all.

"I'm going home and spending time with all my family and get to see my grandparents." Angelina says.

"I'm off to my aunties and to spend Christmas Day with all of my dads side of the family then I will see my mums side on the following day." Alicia said.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now