18. The Argument

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I walked up to a familiar door and knocked on it, "come in." It was McGonagall, I open the door and walk into her office.

"Morning, professor." I tell her as I close the door behind me.

"Good morning, y/n, you said had to speak to me urgently?" She asks as I sit down in front of her desk.

"Yes, so during the Christmas holidays my parents and I, well more my mother and I had a massive argument which then lead to us having a fight." I tell her and she looks at me in surprise.

"So I was kicked out by my family and disowned so I now live with the Weasleys, I spoke to Molly and she said it was fine if I change all details that have my parents names to theirs, so like emergency contact and things like that." I tell her she looks worried.

"Yes of course I can do that, are you okay do I need to speak to anyone about it?" She asks me.

"I'm fine," I told her I really wasn't, "and I don't think most people know the whole story apart from a few." I tell her.

"Well as your head of house, I need to make sure you are okay," she tells me and gives a sympathetic smile, "is there anything else I can help you with?" She asks.

"Not today" I say smilingly at her.

"Okay, I'll see you later then." She tells and I go to walk out of the office.

"Oh y/n wait, let me write a note for..." she says .

"Lupin." I tell her as I walk back into the room as she wrote the note then hands it to me.

"Thank you professor." I say walking out of her office.

I walk down the corridor to defence against the dark arts and walk into the classroom.

"Sorry I'm late professor," I tell him as I walk to the front of the class and hand him a note.

"Thank you" he says, as I take me seat next to Fred and his hand automatically goes straight to my thigh.

- - - -

We finish DADA and go to potions and I fill my friends in with what happened with McGonagall. Fred seems more worried about me than usual, more protective of me.

- - - -

The school day finished and we was chilling in the common room before we had to go to quidditch. I was reading a book and leaning on Fred. "Y/n?"

"Yes Fred?" I reply looking up at him.

"Are you sure you are okay, because ever since everything with your parents you seem, not like yourself." He says, he did look concerned.

"I'm fine Fred" I snap at him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Fred I am." I snapped again hoping he would leave it before we get into an argument which I didn't want, but constantly being asked if you are okay is annoying.

"You aren't though y/n, I can tell." He says and I stand up and put my book down.

"I said I'm fine Fred now drop it!" I said a little bit louder making other students turn around and look at me.

"No you aren't!" He shouts back.

"I am Fred stop going on at me!" I shout back at him.

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