94. Too Many Goodbyes

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It's now been a month since the war ended and we lost a lot of people; the next three weeks we have a lot of funerals to attend. Fred and I said we would attend as many as we could having three kids, to look after as we are helping Andromeda out looking after Teddy on the weekends and visiting Sirius in hospital.

The funerals that I said I would definitely attend was Percy's, Remus and Tonks, Jacks's, Alicia's, Catherine and Micheal's and finally Colin Creevey.

The first funeral being held was Remus and Tonks' and I knew how difficult the day was going to be, I had my speech ready just like Andromeda asked me too and I agreed.

"You ready?" Fred asks, poking his head through the door as I go over my speech.

"Not really, but it's something that needs to be done." I tell him tearing up again, and Fred pulls me into a hug.

"I'm right here whenever you need me." Fred says and we walk down the stairs and into the living room where everyone was dressed in black apart from Thea and Lyra who had yellow dresses on .

"I suppose we should leave." Arthur says, as Fred and I pick up the girls and we all walk outside to apparate.

We apparate outside of a graveyard that was made for the casualty's of the war and we walk down where Andromeda is holding Teddy and greeting people. I pull Andromeda into a hug carefully watching Teddy as his hair changes to the colour of my hair.

"I think he wants a cuddle." Andromeda says, and I pass Thea to Molly and take Teddy as the rest of the Weasleys go and sit down. "You can go and sit down."

"I'll stay with you, it's fine." I say, as guests keep flooding in to say their goodbyes.

One person in particular stood out and that was Narcissa Malfoy, I knew that they were sisters and Narcissa brought Andromeda into a hug.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." Narcissa says, as I stand there comforting Teddy. "I can't imagine how you are feeling and I'm sorry for everything..."

Nothing else was said but the two of them just stood hugging before we walked in and I sat cuddling Teddy as he slept in my arms. The speeches began and there was only a few people doing them, Andromeda started with a few people like McGonagall and Kingsley talking and now it was my turn.

"Do you want me to take Teddy?" Andromeda says, and I look at the sleeping baby and shake my head waking up to the raised platform looking at the crowd taking a deep breath before I begin talking.

"Remus and Tonks were two amazing people who sacrificed themselves for the greater good and for the safety of Witches and Wizards of all ages including their son Teddy. I first met Tonks when I began Hogwarts, and she was always funny and she was quite clumsy; Tonks was always there if you needed her and made everyone happy and it was the same with my Godfather Remus, he was always there through everything and now he isn't here and it hurts a lot but I made a promise to them both that I would always look after Teddy and that's what I will do and I will always tell him the crazy stories about his mum and dad and one day he'll be old enough to understand why they did what they did." I look down at Teddy, before finishing my speech. "I love you both so much, until we meet again."

I walk back down with tears now streaming down my cheeks as Fred pulls me into his side as the tears keep flowing. Remus and Tonks' graves were next to each other and as the were lowered all that could be heard where sniffles and cries from everyone.

When the funeral ended everyone went straight back home when a grave catches my attention.

In loving memory of,
Sirius Orion Black,
Innocent until the end,
Loving Husband, Father and Grandfather,
3rd November 1959 - 18th June 1996

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