Contemporary Issues and Environmental Links

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I wanted to write this little prefix to this chapter to give a bit of context. This was written at the height of covid pandemic. I have grown and changed in the last 2 years so I do have some different views and opinions but I can definitely share the difference in my views in the future. Let me know x


When we grow as people, we evolve and see many issues that get resolved, whether it being on your own or in a group, they are always resolved. In the current 2020-Unkown, the virus Covid-19 is a thing that disrupted everything for many of us.

One thing being businesses and many other factors like; health (both mental and physical), environmental and economical, social and ethical.

If we do not act on things like the environment and our health together as a society we will never get to a place where we need to be. Covid is not going to vanish, the environment is not going to be saved. None of our upcoming problems are going to ever be solved if we do not fix ourselves. We need to know our priorities and most of us already do know them, however we as a society require for everyone to work to get better. Everything is like science, and more like an example from Chemistry. It is a chain reaction. 

A lot of what we are currently doing to our planet is creating a place that is so toxic that we cannot stand the brutal truth and keep denying the truth.

"Not everyone has died yet"

"Covid isn't real"

"There were so many different viruses before Covid and we were all fine"

"The pollution clearly isn't that bad if we all don't have respiratory problems."

"Why should I worry? I am not going to be here in x amount of years."

If I had a penny for the amount of times I have been told these, I would not have to work again for the next 3 years. All of these statements are just excuses. We are just lazy. I say we because I, myself can be lazy too, however, I do not ever make excuses for my behaviour. I try to become a better person continuously so that I can have a positive impact not only for myself but for the people around me. 

When we have gloves and masks and hand sanitisers and anti-bacterial wipes, we need them to keep ourselves safe, but also everyone around us. See, as far as we advocate against the use of plastic and other resources, we have to admit that some things in life are more important.

Although there are reusable masks, medical scientist have said that they are not as effective as the medical masks used by medical staff. Now, I know everyone has a different point, however, if you do anything to protect yourself and others from this virus, then do so.  If you can't, remember that the health of the people around on this planet is extremely important even more than the environment at this time which is extremely shocking to hear.

The point is to stay at home and try to not walk out. It is about protecting yourself and others inside and outside. There is so many healthcare professionals that have been overworked in these times.

In the times when we are locked in at home we are not in the necessity of buying new clothes. Where the hell are we going to buy new clothes? There is no need for it. Yes, sure, we are bored. We have nothing better to do. But instead of buying that new amount of unnecessary clothing and spending money in those hard times where you could save it and spend it on  things you truly need.

It is very important that we keep our thoughts in one place and that is home. It may make very little sense at the moment but this situation is all new to us, we have never experienced being locked down in our homes for long periods of time. It is not easy and things will probably never be the same. We have damaged the environment with disposable face masks, but we have emitted less fuels by less frequent travels.

It is all, extremely contradictory but at the end of the day we all need to know that each and every single one of us is going to be for the health and wellbeing of every single human on this planet regardless of whether the location is near or far. We are stewards of the planet and of each other. In this time and age we have seem to have forgotten that and we need to have a step back and think back if we really are that good, fine citizen that we have been claiming we were all along. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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