How to keep motivated?

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To keep motivated you have to get the equipment that happens to be reducing waste. If you do that, it will help you to fall into the lifestyle quicker.

However, what I often find in the process of becoming zero waste is that all of your unsustainable choices will create this 'hiccup effect' where you would start doing the changes or you have started on the lifestyle full on and you have this situation(s) where you are like 'oh I will by this bottled water this one time and it will be fine' or 'It's fine if I use this sing-use plastic cutlery just once right?' So you proceed to continue to use the single-use toxic items, and soon after you feel guilty. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the 'hiccup effect'. So this would be one of the ways you would keep motivated in my opinion. Simply to avoid the feeling of failure. As you may not already know I have crippling perfectionism which kind of makes me hard on myself if I don't stick accordingly to my plans. As you can tell, this is amazing.

Another way you could keep motivated it to have a partner that will stick around with you on your journey. Yes, I know. It is difficult for one to commit to a total change of lifestyle, let alone another person. However, people work in a group (or partners) we are tend to succeed and do better, and that is not an opinion but a fact. I am still very young but I trust be, I have seen it happen.

I have come across this quote which happens to also perfectly summarise this movement and how to keep going; "It's not about perfect. It's about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that's where transformation happens. That's how change occurs."

When you change others might pick on the same actions and that will make you thrive in this movement. The reason for this is; when you start to make others catch on this trend you wouldn't want to go back to the old ways because you would have to set an example for those people, and you would not want to confuse them or them with the sudden contradiction to what you would preach.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing" - Albert Einstein. So stop looking around, waiting for a change to happen. Be a part of something that has a much more meaning than just a silly little movement. It is a solution. This is going to join all of us together to make a greater good and destroy all the poison that we tend to throw away carelessly, so lets make history.

If we do not take matter into our hands, we will never solve it. Do not take no for an answer, and keep moving forward because if you don't you would be stuck in the same place, making little to no progress.

Start, keep going and we will save the future generations.

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