The Parents

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/A.N/: What I imagine would happen when they tell their godly parents. 

Percy POV: 

I was sitting in my room with Annabeth. My Mom and Paul were out and we were watching my little sister that had been born during the giant war. We had come to tell them that we were engaged and at first they were kinda upset and when I said that we were demi-gods and we had to do this while we could. That did not help surprisingly, note the sarcasm. But then Annabeth my wonderful Wise-Girl savior stepped in and said that we already acted like we are already married and this just makes it official. Then she calmed down and said she was happy for us.

Now we were discussing our other parents. The ones who could zap us. Annabeth had already told her  Dad and Step-mom  they were more reserved /A.N/: Is that the right one?  I was worried that Athena would turn me into a owl or something.  She said that we iris message them at the same time so that they can't  argue about who knew first. She went into the my bathroom and I went to the kitchen and turned on the sink. I flipped in my drachma and said, " Oh Fleecy do me a solid and show me dad."

 Poseidon appeared  in the rainbow and said, "Percy, what is it? Did something happen?", He was wearing his classic Hawaiian shirt and Bermuda shorts. 

"Yeah but it's good. I proposed to Annabeth and she said yes. We're getting married.", Percy said waiting for his reaction the way he saw it this could go really good or really bad. With his luck really bad. 

" Well I'm not sure that I approve of the daughter of Athena but congratulations son.", the sea god said with a laid back smile. 

" Thanks dad, she makes me happy bye.", I said swiping my hand through the transmission.  That had gone well but Percy's instincts told him something else would happen that was not as good. I hope that I'm wrong. 

Annabeth POV: 

Percy was in the kitchen and I was in his bathroom calling my Mom.  The decorations were ocean themed. I turned on the bath tub faucet and flipped in a drachma and I told it to call Athena. When she appeared in a business pant suit and she was typing away on a computer. 

"Mom? Can I talk to you it's important.", Annabeth asked hoping that she wouldn't get zapped for bothering her while she worked. 

Athena looked up and said, " Annabeth, what is it."

" Mom I know that you don't really like that me and Percy are dating but he proposed and I said yes."

Athena's eyes grew stormy and she glared. "That sea spawn dared propose without my permission?!", she hissed cocking a eyebrow. then she swiped her hand threw the IM and disappeared. There was yelling  down the hall and Annabeth turned of the faucet and ran into the kitchen and saw her mother yelling at Percy. 

" How dare you propose to my daughter without my permission! I told you to stay away from her, I should curse you right now for this disrespect but I won't because it would upset Annabeth. The next time I am showed such disrespect you will not be spared.", Athena finished and we both let out the breaths that we didn't realize we were holding. Then Estelle started to cry probably woken up by the shouting. Me and Percy rushed into her nursery and Percy picked her up and rocked her until she was calm. Athena flashed behind us and glared at Percy holding Estelle. I realized that she thought that she was our  baby. It wasn't that unbelievable since she shared Percy's black hair but her mothers blue eyes. 

The next thing I knew Estelle was back in her crib and Percy was a olive tree in a pot, " No! Mom change him back!"

"He has disrespected me and you and I am not sorry.", Athena said as Poseidon appeared next to her with his trident, " Change him back Athena. Now."

Then He saw Estelle in her crib and his eyes that were storming like the raging sea widened, " You two had a child?!"

"NO! This is Estelle Percy's baby Sister. She was born while we were fighting  Gaea.  Sally and Paul went out on a errand and left us to watch her.", Annabeth said picking Estelle up and rocking her gently. 

Athena's eyes clouded over for like the third time as she thought of a response," Fine. I will change him back but if he disrespects me again;", she  disappeared letting the threat hang in the air. Percy was now sitting on the floor looking really confused," Why do I feel like doing photosynthesis and where did I learn that word?"

" I am glad that you are okay Percy and good luck with this one shes smart.", and with that he disappeared too. 

" What just happened?"

" Come on Seaweed-brain lets go get blue cookies and I'll explain."

Estelle babbled her agreement and they went to the kitchen and I explained.

"I am not surprised that your Mom did that it seems like a punishment your mom would use.", he said splitting half a cookie with Stella-belle. 

"Yep. Not surprising at all."

MARRIED: A Percabeth storyWhere stories live. Discover now