The Wedding

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/A.N/: This isn't really the part of the story that I was super excited about so if this and the next one are sloppy then you can !@$%$@#$$ deal with it (*Middle Finger*). 😏😏😈😈🤬🤬🤬💩💜💜💜 Plus I think this song is a good representation of their relationship but both of them. 

Annabeth POV:
Percy was at Sally's house and the rest of the boys were with him getting ready. I was in a room in the big house with Piper and Calypso, Hazel and Clarisse were checking on everything while I got ready. I was i  my dress which was a Greek toga style with shawl straps and a grey cape. Piper was combing out my hair which we had deiced to leave down. while Calypso primped my flower crown which had a veil of lace. When they were done I looked beautiful. I had never thought of myself like that until Percy said that I was. 

Hazel poked her head in and said,"The guys are back and we start in two minutes.", before disappearing. I started to panic. ( What if something goes wrong?! What if we can't find the rings?! WHAT IF PERCY CHANGES HIS MIND?!) these thoughts raced through my head. My panic must have shown on my face because Piper was Charming speaking to me and telling me that everything would be fine while Calypso rubbed my back. I calmed down and we walked to the lake and I got behind the others as they paired up. When It was my turn the Apollo campers who had volunteered to be the band started playing here comes the bride. 

"Lets do this.", I whisper to myself, and I start to walk down the isle. 

Percy POV: 

I was standing in the Gazebo in front of Chiron since he was officiating the wedding. When the others walk I started to slightly sweat but used my powers to keep myself dry. Then I saw her. 

She was wearing a toga style dress that had a grey cape. She had on no makeup and her hair was down. The only things added was her bouquet and a flower crown that matched her bouquet and it had a lace veil that circled around her hair.  She was all natural and it was beautiful. 

She walked until she was next to me. Chiron was talking but we were to busy staring into each others eyes.  I barely remembered to say "I do". She said it too and then when he said that I could kiss the bride and we do a movie style dip. we run down the aisle and I whistle for Blackjack and we hopped on Wise-Girl threw her bouquet and Calypso caught it making her and Frank turn bright red. Black jack flew us of into the sunset. Cliche I know but didn't care since Annabeth  had her arms around my waist, and she was my wife. To love and hold forever. 

                      -At camp-

Frank POV:

/A.N/: Because I love the guy.

Percy and Annabeth had flown off on Blackjack and everyone else had gone to the reception. Hazel was sitting next to me and we were trying to figure out what was the funniest Percabeth moment. We all agreed it was when she judo flipped him at Camp Jupiter. 

All of us were happy for them plus they are fun to watch. Calypso kept asking Leo when she was getting a ring. Eventually Chiron made the younger campers go to bed and we went with them. We made Leo so that he doesn't blow up the camp accidentally while he is tired. I'm sure that everyone passed out at the same time but I don't think that really matters since I was asleep. 

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