Chapter One

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"Heyyoooo spirts!" Cristal excitedly waved at her phone that was set up on the kitchen table. Kayla just looked at Cristal being so done with her loudass.

"Hello guys" Kayla smiled at her fans who were currently watching there live.

"Where's My?" Cristal read a question from one of there fans. Cristal and Kayla both looked at eachother before smiling evilly.

"Okay guys, so Mys asleep right now like always so me and Cristal are gonna wake her up shhhh" Kayla whispered picking up the phone that was still recording and tip toeing to the kitchen sink with Cristal who was quietly trying to fill a cup with water.

"Why are you shushing our fans it's not like there gonna say something through the screen" Cristal snickered at Kayla which caused her getting a punch to her shoulder and the people watching the live to laugh.

"Shut up" Kayla rolled her eyes, "I'm trying to make it cooler"

"Your not cool though" Cristal argued.

"Yes I am"

"No your not"

"Yes I am"

"No your no-" Cristal couldn't finish her sentence because of Kayla who dropped the phone and started tackling Cristal on the spot.

"Ahhh the water!" Cristal screamed but it was already too late as the water was already all over the two.

"This was your fault!" Kayla blamed.

"Wh-ME!?" Cristal looked at Kayla astounded, "your the one who went Godzilla on me and decided to attempt murder on me!"

"Well yes but NO!" Kayla then went to start wrestling Cristal forgetting all about the live and My.


"What the hell" My said all of a sudden waking up from her nap looking at the two dumbasses on the floor wrestling like there life depended on it and not to mention wet.

"Why the fuck are you guys on the floor" My looked at the two thinking 'how did this become my life'. Once those words came out of Mys mouth Kayla and Cristal remembered they were on live and that the people just heard My cuss.

"Dude we're on live" Kayla said while Crista was on the floor dying of laughter because of Mys horrid face.

"Ahah Myyy you look like the girl from the ring" Cristal laughed again at her own joke while My flipped her off and Kayla looked at the two they where children, forgetting how she tackled Cristal because Cristal said she wasn't cool.

"Dude do you think they heard" My whispered.

"I don't know let's check" Kayla said grabbing the phone that was on the ground.

Fan 1: lol I've never heard My cuss


fan 3: did My cuss or are my ears deceiving me?

Fan 4: @fan3 she definitely said fuck

F5: her manager definitely gonna be on her ass after this lmfao

F7: idk what they saying but I'm still gonna watch because this is some tea

"Well damn" Kayla looked at the comments, "they most definitely heard"

"Damn My ur in troubleeee" Cristal grinned at My who smacked her.

"Damn why y'all always hitting me this is not okay!" Cristal dramatically whined.

"Okay anwaysss sorry for the stuff that happened just now" Kayla apologized, "you have our full attention now so go ask us some questions"

Cristal and My both stopped whatever they were doing and went to sit down next to Kayla to answer questions.

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