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"You see that's my friend up there!" Cristal excitingly said to hyunjin who was next to her all of a sudden.

"Yes I can see that" Hyunjin responded confused and shocked by the sudden conversation.

"Yah I love her she's kinda annoying tho don't tell her I told you" Cristal laughed along with Hyunjin who was lowkey flustered.

"Who said I'd tell?" Hyunjin responded jokingly.

"Me duhhh if you do tell her I'm hunting you down because I know for a fact she'll probably eat all my snacks I have hidden because she's petty like that" Cristal joked also at this point her and Hyunjin were acting like the bestest of friends joking and being weird dancing to My performing while Kayla on the other hand was once again having a staring contest with Felix.

'Why the fuck am I doing this to myself, why can't I just talk to him instead of losing for the 3rd time because of this damn staring contest' Kayla thought to herself as she stared hard at a Felix but he was basically teasing her by smiling and laughing a bit.

'Nah he's getting too cocky I'm heading over there' Kayla said to herself as she blinked basically losing again and then sat up. The staff were trying to motion her to sit down but Kayla being Kayla she did what she fucking wanted to do. At this point the company just let them do anything since they were basically the worlds biggest girl group and if they got any one of them introuble or kicked out of the group not only would they get hella hate but they would also lose hella money.

Once Kayla got up Felix looked at her confused up until he realized she was coming up to him, that's when he started panicking on the inside.

Once Kayla sat down next to him she went straight down to business.

"I don't like this attitude of your just because you beat me like 5 times with your voodoo eyes doesn't mean your better then me" Kayla scoffed smiling obviously joking.

"Ahh I'm sorry it's not my fault I'm better then you" Felix smiled laughing a bit.

"Yah yah whatever let me just practice and once we meet up again I'll beat you" Kayla responded.

"Oh so we're meeting again are we?" Felix laughed teasing Kayla and Kayla was lowkey dying on the inside because of his deep voice.

"I- well- you know what yes, oh yah sorry I didn't introduce myself my names Kayla from Soulist just so you know" Kayla smiled lightly bowing her head.

"I know who you are" Felix laughed like who wouldn't know Kayla.

Anyways once Felix and Kayla started talking Bangchan came up outta nowhere and all three of them were quietly talking.


"I honestly like iced teas better" Cristal confessed and Hyunjin dramatically pretended to get a stab in the heart.

"Whyyyy like teas are okay I guess" Hyunjin responded lowkey judging Cristal now.

"Ugh as if, ice americanos are okay I guess too" Cristal scoffed also lowkey judging Hyunjin.

"Huhhhhh?! Girl you are wrong in so many levels, coffee is way better then your watery compressed fruit tea thingys" Hyunjin insulted at this point him and Cristal were deadass getting in a heated argument about drinks.

"Nahhh because I know you did not just call tea water with compressed fruit, watch I'm gonna come over to your place one day with some tea and ima force you to try it and if you don't like it well too bad" Cristal responded firmly.

"You don't even know where I live so haaa!" Hyunjin teased and Cristal just gave him one of those disgusted looks as if say 'smh this bitch right'.

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