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" *sigh* I miss Luffy-san..." Brooke said and looking down, no matter how many minutes hours or days , he still miss his loudness and laughing together , he noticed not only him thought of that, its also his nakama , and the others

" Me too brooke.." Usopp said sadly

" its suuuuppeeerrrr heartbreaking after seeing hi-" "Franky! not now!" Nami yelled , she noticed their reaction , it was full of guilt and sad

"Oh.. I'm super sorry .." he apologized and look at the place where the bright light started

Zoro and the others joining Franky looking at that area, they were curious , they wanted to know more about Luffy's past but at the same time they feel bad for watching his memories without his permission

" I wish Captain-san didn't get mad for what we did here " Robin said as full of guilty, she can't- no . They can't do anything but to watched for Luffy's life

"Robin..." Koala said slowly, she wanted to cheered the straw hats but realizing she is the same as them , its hurt her when she only watch them being sad and can't do anything to make them feel better.

Suddenly the light appears once again and they know what its mean, the memories start again

it showed makino sleeping with kid Luffy in one single bed

"ah~ Makino-cwan~" Sanji do a spaghetti dance

"um...is that how he always react over the girl?" Shanks ask awkwardly looking at Sanji who's standing infront of him

" Don't mind him, Shanks-san" Brooke said simply

"he always like this" Chopper said sadly, I mean he is happy that Sanji wasn't lost blood anymore but sometimes it does annoyed him

"oi! ero-cook , Stop with that shit!" you know who ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ its Grass-san!!! yeyyyy

"What is that?! Marimo?!" Sanji yelled back and the others just sighed

" in 3 , they will stop fighting , 3 , 2 and 1 " when the 1 count, Nami bonked their head

' is that what he mean by they stop fighting? ' they all thought

" you brats are hilarious and crazy, But I love that kind of you guys , GURARARARARA" whitebeard laughed and the others also joining him laughed

the straw hats just blushed and continued watching

Luffy struggling until he fell into the floor , he did made a loud noise when he fell but Makino still hasn't awake yet

"what is he doing?" Thatch ask

Luffy walk towards the wooden table and there's a photo

Dragon and Garp widens eyes , the others notice it

"who was it, Dragon-san?" Koala ask

"Why did he have that photo?!" Dragon yelled at his father

"I-... I don't know where did he got that photo!" He pretty sure he didn't showed the photo or give it to Luffy , he wonder how did he got it

"DON'T LIE!" he yelled mad

"What's wrong dragon-san? why are you mad?" Sabo ask curiously

the photo showed A husband hugging his wife from behind while his wife hugging her baby , They both smiling watching the baby sleep

"I wonder who were they...I found it from Grandpa's office...are they perhaps related to Grandpa?" he ask himself

"w-wait...wasn't that, Dragon?!" Nami ask surprise

"weird, he doesn't have that tattoos on his face that time" Koala whispered to Robin while Robin just giggled

"Luffy's mother now reveal" Ben said

"Luffy does have his mom's face" Shanks smiled as he watching Luffy being hold by his mom

"I wonder where is she" Ace ask but Dragon just keep looking at the picture, he wanted to burst into tears , its been so long he haven't seen his wife's face , it was wholesome and happy back then until the  biggest accident happened.

"I miss you...Rosa, Luffy already grown up so well" he whispered smiled

"they look happy...is that what its look like having parents?" he whispered

"L-luffy-san" Coby and Brooke said , they can't believe Luffy was grown up without parents

Ace smiled sadly, not only him growing up without parents, its also his little brother, "Luffy..."

"Luffy...." Sabo sadly looking at kid Luffy who just keep looking at the photo

"even I don't have parents, I only have Grandpa...but does he even love me?" he ask himself thinking someone could answer him

"LUFFY!!!!!" The straw hats scream as their eyes was in tears ( except for Zoro , Robin , Sanji , but they did feel sad for him )

Dragon looking at his son with sad face and then look at his father

Garp look at him " If only I wasn't reckless that time " Dragon look away , its not only his father feel bad but also him, he didn't know that Luffy would felt like this if he leaving his son without knowing that he was his father

" Whatever... even Grandpa doesn't love me, I have makino as my mom and Shanks... , there I can learn how it feels having mom and.... whatever , Goodnight Grandpa" he walked towards bed and then struggling back and hug makino, makino notice it so she hug him back

They both fell back to sleep

the memories faded

all of them looking towards Shanks who just got mention by Luffy although Luffy didn't continue his words when it comes to Shanks. But everyone sure that Luffy really love Shanks as his dad. Meanwhile Shanks just smiled , he didn't know that Luffy would think of him as his dad, thinking of it made him happy.

"we as his brothers, we will protect him from danger!" Sabo and Ace yelled as they stand up and point at Garp , you could say that 'danger' is preferring to Garp-san. while Garp grinding his teeth when understood what they mean by danger which offend him.

"We as his family , we won't let you guys hurt him and we give him alot of love and foods!" Zoro and Sanji yelled and the others straw hats shake their head as agreed

Dragon , Garp and the others just smiled

"You're the worst at taking care of children, Garp" Sengoku chuckle , Garp blushed and glared at him

"I am Not!" he yelled

"Luffy was so lucky to have you guys" Dragon smiled and the others blushed

"GURARARARA, we always welcome him and his crew to be our family" Whitebeard said

"...interesting" Smoker mumble {lmao not me finally remember his real name}

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