Chapter 3

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Author's [POV]

The next day Chanhee stands in front of the teacher's office. He was with his friends during the lunch break when one of the student had informed him that his homeroom teacher had called him to the office. Chanhee nervously holds the door handle and twist it, opening the door. He walks inside and saw Sunwoo standing beside his homeroom teacher. "What is that roach here?" He mumbled to himself quietly. He approaches them. "Sir I was called? Did I do something wrong?" Chanhee asked nervously. His hands were a bit calmy and trembling a bit out of his nervous state.

The teacher turns towards him with a smile. "Oh no no. You didn't do anything wrong." The teacher said with a smile. Chanhee mentally sighed in relief. "Then why was I called?" He asked. "Well you see Sunwoo's brother had talked to our principal. Sunwoo is in need of a tutor. And his brother had kindly asked you to tutor him. After all you are one of the best student in our college." The teacher says. Chanhee for the first time, since he came inside the office, looks at Sunwoo. Shocked at what he was hearing. No no no! He was NOT going to be stuck tutoring this roach. "I have to decline sir." He says. The teacher sighs. "You have no choice Chanhee. You either do this or get your marks cut in exam. But if you tutor him properly I will make sure you get some extra credits." The teacher said making Chanhee scowl. The extra credits were very tempting but hr didn't wanted to be with Kim Sunwoo. Not at all.

"But sir!" Chanhee tries to protest but the teacher gives him a stern pointed look. His protests dying down. He glances at the younger boy standing beside him. The boy was looking at him with an oh so annoying smirk. Oh how Chanhee wishes he could smack that smrik away.

Chanhee contemplated his life.
Chanhee contemplated his situation
He sighed.
He was doomed.

"Fine." He said with a sigh. The teacher almost lights up like a damn Christmas tree. "Great! You two can discuss about it. There isn't a time period set for the tutoring so I hope you two can discuss it and come up with a time that is suitable for both of you. Chanhee nods feeling like he was ready to give up living. "You two are dismissed then." The teacher says. Chanhee turns around, walking out of the door with fast steps. Sunwoo bows a little at the teacher for the last time and follows Chanhee.

Sunwoo grins as he catches up to Chanhee. "Hyung~" he calls in a teasing tone. The older huffs at him. "What brat?" He says. "When will you start tutoring me?" Sunwoo asked, a teasing grin still on his face. "I will come to your house. Later." Chanhee says. He just ain't letting the younger stay in his. Jeonghan and Seungcheool would probably tease him about this. So he would rather go to the brat's house. "Awww hyung~ you wanna come at mine?" Sunwoo says as he stops Chanhee from walking further away. He pulls the older closer to him, his hand on the other's waist. "You are always welcome baby. You are welcome in my bed too." Sunwoo says with a smirk. Chanhee's face quickly turns deep red making Sunwoo smirk more feeling triumph noticing the older blushing

Chanhee shrieks as he pushes Sunwoo away. "Shut up you annoying brat!" Chanhee says, face still red as turns around and stops away. "I know you want to baby! And as I said you are always welcome in my bed." Sunwoo shouts after him with a grin. "I SAID SHUT UP!" Chanhee screams as he literally runs away. Sunwoo genuinely laughs at the other's actions. "This is fun." He says to himself still grinning remembering Chanhee's blush. He was going to love making the older flustered.

{In The Class}

"That roach! That annoying brat. I am going to beat his ass up. I will smash his face with my fist and leave him there! What an annoying roach." He mumbled to himself with a scowl. He can't handle the brat. God couldn't he just say no to this tutoring thing. "Who got your panty twisted?" Kevin asked, amusement clear in his face. He scoffed at his words. "Kim Fucking Sunwoo!" He said slamming my hands down on the table. "What did he do?" Juyeon asked. "I HAVE TO TUTOR HIM! He is so effing annoying. HE CALLS ME BABY! HE CALLED THAT WITH HIS OH SO ANNOYING SMIRK!" Chanhee says in a flustered but also annoyed tone. "For someone who hates him you seem more flustered by him than annoyed." Changmin snorts. Chanhee groans as he leans down on the table. Just then the bell rings signalling the students that the lunch was over. After a while the teachers comes in. Chanhee takes his notebooks out as the teacher starts explaining things. Noting the important points down. He will think about what to do with the brat later.

[Time Skip]

Classes had ended and Chanhee had returned home. He was planning to go to the Kim's house. Not that he wanted to. Of course he didn't. He is only doing this because the brat's brother was the one who had requested for a tutor for the brat, and the teacher had also promised him some extra credits. He is also the student president so of course he needs to be responsible and do all these. Right?

Chanhee looks at his reflextion. "I am going to tutor him. I will ignore his bratiness and the annoying things he says. Teach him. Come back home. That's all! You don't have to be his friend anyway." He said giving himself a pep talk. He then went downstairs. "Hannie hyung! I will be at the Kim's." He said. "Why?" Jeonghan asked from where he was, at the kitchen. "Gotta tutor their bratty brother." Chanhee says as he slips out of the house and heads towards the Kim's house.

He enters the large property. "Holy god I swear this mansion is so damn big." Chanhee says as he stands in front of the gate. He then slowly peeks around and notices guards. "Excuse me!" He called out to open of them. A tall one approaches him. "Yes. Is there any problem?" The tall guard asks. "U-Uh I am Choi Chanhee. I live at the house next to this. Um i am here to tutor Sunwoo." He said stuttering getting a little nervous.

The guard nods as he opens the gate to let Chanhee enter. "Young master had informed us about you sir. Please follow me inside." The guard says. Chanhee nods as he awkwardly follows the guard inside who leads him towards a large, spacious living room. "Please sit down sir. I will inform young master that you are here." The guard says as he bows a bit towards Chanhee. The said male returned the action a bit awkwardly. He had never been called sir. It was a bit awkward he got to admit that. The guard then turns around and heads upstairs.

After a few minutes the guard comes back down. Sunwoo following after him. The guard goes out leaving Sunwoo alone with Chanhee. "Ah~ hyung I almost thought you won't come." Sunwoo says grinning from ear to ear. "I am here not because I actually want to tutor you. But because I want the extra credits my teacher promised me" chanhee huffs. "Whatever you say hyung~ Anyway let's go upstairs shall we hyung? My room is far more comfortable than this living room. We will get some privacy don't you think so." Sunwoo says in a teasing tone as he walks upstairs. Chanhee stands up, fumbling around a bit anf follows Sunwoo. 'This is going to a long painful hours.' he sighed mentally.


Hello everyone! 🤗
I am so sorry that I couldn't upload on Friday and Saturday. Handling a fanbase had me busy with streaming and voting.

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! Stay tuned for more 💕
Feedbacks will be appreciated

Also a question? Should I recommed a song with every chapter? 🐝

Stay warm and stay safe~
Lots of love 🥀🥀

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