Chapter 19

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Author's POV

When Chanhee went to university the next day Younghoon was avoiding him at all cost. The boy didn't sit with him, both in class and in lunch. When Chanhee tried to talk to him Younghoon would make an excuse and walk away. Chanhee gave up after a few tries. He would just wait for the older to speak to him first whenever he was ready. Few weeks passed by after that. Chanhee and Sunwoo's relationship was going greatly. The two were totally in love with each other. Changmin had gotten closer to Younghoon. Everyone noticed but they didn't talked about it and waiting for Changmin to speak up for when he was ready.

Kevin of course started going on dates with Jacob. The two weren't in a serious relationship yet. They were taking things slow. At least that is what Kevin had told them. But everyone had to admit that the two were very adorable together. On the other hand Juyeon was being persued by a new transfer student named Lee Jaehyun who liked to be called Hyunjae, a senior who was also a friend of Jacob and Sangyeon.

Sunwoo's best friend Eric had also transferred into their university. It was a surprise but it was pleasant. The younger turned out to be very loud and chaotic and liked to annoy Chanhee but Chanhee adored the younger like a little brother. Eric then met Sangyeon through Jacob. The younger had fallen in love at first sight with the older as he liked to say. And would pout like a 5 year old kid whenever Sangyeon didn't paid attention on him. Everyone had teased Eric about it making the younger whine and complain.

Everything was going well except for Chanhee's health. Chanhee had been feeling dizzy and nauseous. Vomitting every morning. He had a brief idea on why he might be feeling all these but didn't wanted to assume things or think too much about it before confirming it. It was why he was here. In a damn drug store. The smell of medicine making Chanhee gag mentally. "So what are we buying?" Changmin who had came along with him questioned.

Chanhee sighed. They two hsd skipped classes for the day. He also hadn't told any of his friends his doubts on why he was always nauseous and dizzy. He walked up towards the shopkeeper. "I would like to get three pregnancy test kit." He said. The man nods as he goes to get it. Chanhee turns to look at Changmin who looks at him with wide eyes. "Are you serious?" Changmin whisper yelled. "I don't know. I have the symptoms. But I can't say for sure yet." Chanhee answers sughing. The shopkeeper comes back with the pregnancy test kits. After paying for them the two headed back to Chanhee's house.

Chanhee closes the door to his room. "I am nervous." He says looking at the test kits in his hand. "You will be fine. I am here for you." Changmin says patting his back comfortingly.

Chanhee nods. "I will go take the test I guess." He mumbles as he walks inside the bathroom with the test kits. Changmin sat down on the bed as he waites for Chanhee to be done. "I have to wait for like 15 minutes. I used all three of them because why not." Chanhee says coming out after a while as he literally launched himself on the bed. "What do you think though? I mean do you think you really are pregnant or it is just something else?" Changmin asked raising his brows. "I am a carrier Changminnie. And my gut really says I am pregnant." Chanhee sighs as he looked down at his flat tummy rubbing them with a pout.

"At least your kids would be as pretty as you." Changmin says snickering. Chanhee just shook his head with a smile. They sat there talking about random things as they waited for the 15 minutes to pass by. When it already passed 15 minutes the two quickly went inside the bathroom where Chanhee had left the test kits. With a slightly shaky hand he picked them up and look at them.

Positive. Positive. Positive

"What does it say? Are you pregnant?!" Changmin excitedly asked as he peeked at the results from behind Chanhee. "I am pregnant." Chanhee says feeling choked up. An unknown feeling of uneasiness coming over him. He was carrying a child. A human being in him. A small and fragile baby. He was pregnant. His emotions seemed to have crashed down as he slid down on the floor as he starts crying. Changmim panics when he started sobbing. "Hey don't cry! Everything will be fine." He tries to confort but Chanhee starts crying even harder.

Changmin bites his lips not knowing how to comfort Chanhee. "I will go call Jeonghan hyung." He says as he quickly goes out. After a while he comes back with a worried Jeonghan trailing behind him. The older was about to ask what happened but then noticed the pregnancy test kits on the floor in front of Chanhee and the results shown on it. He quickly understood the situation.

Jeonghan got down beside him wrapping his arms around him. "Shhh don't cry." He soothes the younger. "Hyung I am sorry. I am pregnant. W-What if Sunwoo doesn't like it? What if I turn out t-to be a bad pa-parent? And what will Cheol hyung say." Chanhee sniffles with little hiccups. Jeonghan smiles at the emotional Chanhee. "Everything is going to be fine. You have me and your hyung and your friends. And I am sure Sunwoo would take responsibility unless he wants me to make him impotent." Jeonghan says, sounding a little threatening at the end.

"Cheollie hyung would be m-mad at me for being careless." Chanhee says as he tries to wipe his tears off with the back of his hand. "I am sure Seungcheol hyung would understand and he probably won't be mad at you." Changmin says. "Changmin is right. Come on now. You have to get up from here." Jeonghan says as he gets up, helping Chanhee up too. They got out of the bathroom, out of Chanhee's room and went downstairs.

Jeonghan made the younger sit down on a chair as he got to cooking something light for Chanhee immediately. Changmin on the other hand decided to go back home as he had to go back earlier. "When will you tell Cheol?" Jeonghan asks as pours the vegetable soup he made on a bowl. "Later. At dinner." Chanhee says as he picks on his nails, nervously. Jeonghan hums as he puts down the bowl of soup in front of him along with a spoon. "Eat up. Whatever happens will happen. But we all know your hyung won't even stay mad at you for long." Jeonghan assure. The younger nods as he picks up the spoon and started to drink the soup. He could only pray that his hyung won't freak out and get angry at him.

{Later at dinner}

Chanhee nervously sits opposite to his brother and Jeonghan. He glances at Jeonghan who raised his eyebrow at him questioningly. Chanhee sighs as he puts down the chopstick. "I have something to tell you hyung." He finally says as he holds his hands together under the table out of nervousness.

"Hm what is it?" Seungcheol asked looking up at him. Chanhee fumbles with his words as anxiety creeps up on him. "I am p-pregnant." He blurts out stuttering slightly. A moment of silence and stillness passed by. Then Seungcheol start coughing as the rice he ate went down on the wrong pipe obviously. Jeonghan quickly passes his husband a glass of water. "Y-You what?!" Seungcheol asked wide eyes. "I am sorry." Chanhee says meekly looking down. "Does Sunwoo know?" He asked, a bit calmly after receiving a glare from Jeonghan.

"I haven't told him yet." Chanhee says. Seungcheol sighs. "I am upset that you were not being careful. But what happened already happened and we can't change anything. But I hope you tell Sunwoo as soon as possible." He says. Chanhee nods slowly as he looks up at Seungcheol who sighs. "Eat now. Before it gets cold. We are here for you always. I am not mad." Seungcheol assured. It made Chanhee feel a bit relieved but as he sat there eating his dinner he couldn't help but think of how to tell the younger that he was pregnant. Lots of things could go wrong with it. Worst would be Sunwoo not wanting to take responsibility of the child.

Chanhee felt dread thinking of the next day. He really hoped things would go okay.

[End of Chapter]


Hello again guys! Guess what! I finally ordered Bloom Bloom album (Bloom ver.) Sadly the other version wasn't available. 😭😭 Also Reveal Boy ver. will soon be reaching me too sidjsksk

Anyways this chapter isn't THAT much but I hope it was enjoyable enough. Feebacks are always appreciated 😽😽 I love you all~ Thank you for 1k+ reads on this book 💕

Stay tuned for next chapter. Bye bye 🦋🦋✨

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