Chapter 21

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Song Recommendation: Lil' Something by VIBE, Chen and Heize

Author's POV

It was the next day. And Chanhee had decided to go back to university. The classes resumed as usual except for the teachers who had asked Chanhee if he was fine and all. Then came the lunch time but this time things were a little...... Different. Chanhee blinks trying to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Besides him his friends looks at the table with wide and open mouth. Even the people in the cafeteria were glancing at them. While Sunwoo stood there along with some men with a proud smile. The large table was filled with various food. Specially made and prepared for Chanhee himself and of course for his friends too.

The food looked like it was ordered specially from a 5 star hotel. "Kyungsoo hyung sent these for you and the hyungs." Sunwoo said with a smile. "W-Why? Is there any special day?" Changmin asked eyeing the delicious looking fruit salad. "Nope. Hyung wanted Chanhee hyungie to eat healthy now that he is pregnant." Sunwoo says. Chsnhee blushes. "Is this what being a part of rich family and being pregnant would be like?" Kevin jokingly asked. "Maybe." Sunwoo says laughing. He hands clean spoon and chopstick to Chanhee. "Eat up." He says smiling gently.

"Kyungsoo hyung didn't have to do this." He mumbles feeling bad that the older had to go through all these troubles. "Hyung just likes to take care of you. He has always been that way trust me. And you being pregnant just makes it special." Eric says reassuring the older. Chanhee slowly starts eating along with his friends. Sunwoo eats too stopping to feed Chanhee once in a while. The food tasted like heaven. "This is the damn best." Hyunjae says as he eats the cupcake. "Man sunwoo marry me." Kevin says and quickly receives a 'glare' from Jacob and a smack from Chanhee making the whole table erupt in laughter.

After the lunch the dishes and everything was handled by the men who had brought the lunches. Chanhee thanked them again and again at the end. He was now with Sunwoo as he took some books out of his locker. "Here let me hold them for you. You shouldn't carry heavy things." He says taking the books away from Chanhee's hands. The older looks at him with a look of disbelief. "Sunwoo I am not dying. I am pregnant. And books are not that heavy." He says. Sunwoo just shrugs as he starts walking. Chanhee just follows him with a dramatic sigh at the end.

Sunwoo dropped the older in his class. The classmates had all cheered when Sunwoo leaned down to peck Chanhee's lips. Some girls looking at it in jealousy but it is not like they could do anything about it. One just don't mess with the Kims and their people. "I will have extra classes later so I will be a little late. You can go home before me. Mr.Shin, you know him so he will pick you up." Sunwoo says. Chanhee nods with a soft smile. Sunwoo helds his hand and with a kiss on the the back of his hand the younger goes away. After a while the teacher comes too and the class starts like usual.

Time Skip~

After all the classes ended and Chanhee was walking out of his class with Juyeon. Kevin had to stay back. And Changmin was going with Younghoon. "You are not going with Hyunjae hyung today?" Chanhee questions. At the mention of the senior Juyeon huffs. "We fought." He answers shortly. Chanhee nods. "So you two are avoiding each other?" He asked again. Juyeon nods. "You should talk it out. Instead of avoiding each other." Chanhee states. Juyeon sighs. "I know. I just feel guilty. I told him I hate him." He says fiddling with his fingers nervously.

Chanhee smiles at his friend. Juyeon may look all bad boy and shit but he was such a soft person on the inside almost like a baby. "I am sure he will understand if you guys talk it out." chanhee says. As they exit the building Chanhee already sees Mr.Shin waiting with the car. "You going to wait for Hyunjae?" He asked. Juyeon hums. "Okay I will go first then. I wouldn't want to make Mr.Shin wait for long." Chanhee says. Juyeon nods waving his hand.

Mr.Shin open the car and closing it once Chanhee was inside. With a last wave to Juyeon the car drove away. Chanhee sighs as he leans back. He felt so tired. Is this how pregnancy feels? "Young Master here is an appointment for you. Master Kyungsoo has set up an appointment for you with one of the best doctor." The butler who came with Mr.Shin said as he hands Chanhee a paper.

Chanhee looks at it and makes a sound of realization. He had almost forgotten to get an official check up with doctors. Thank God the older had remembered. "Master said you can go with your brother or so. Whoever you want to go with." He adds. Chanhee nods. "Thank you. I will go with my brother in law." Chanhee says smiling.

After a while they reached Chanhee's house. He got off the car. "Please tell Kyungsoo hyung thank you from my side for setting up the appointment for me. Have a nice day Mr.Shin and...." Chanhee trailed off realizing he didn't knew the name of the bulter. "I am JunKyu. You can call me that young master." The other man quickly introduces himself. "Nice to meet you JunKyu. I will go in now. Thank you for driving me back here." Chanhee says bowing a little. "Have a great evening young master." Mr.Shin said with his infamous kind smile. After that they drove away.

Chanhee walks inside his house and is greeted by his brother. "How was your day?" Seungcheol asks. "Same old. Just a little more tiring than usual." Chanhee says groaning as he sits down on the couch. "That is how pregnancy is. After all you are carrying a small human inside you." Seungcheol chuckles. Just before Chanhee could say anything a shrill voice cut in. "Choi Seungcheol! We are out of ice creams!" Jeonghan shouted from inside the kitchen. The said older stomps out of the kitchen with an empty tub of ice cream in his hands with a demanding look in his eyes. "We need more ice cream." Jeonghan says with a serious look.

Seungcheol sighs looking at his husband. "Baby it is bad for you to eat so much ice cream." He says. "Are you saying I am eating too much? That I am getting fat? Mind you! I am eating for our baby pea too!" The older thundered. Chanhee looks at the two with open mouth. "Baby you know I don't mean that." Seungcheol tries to explain. "You are mean..." Jeonghan sniffles as he starts crying. He walks away, upstairs probably to their room. Seungcheol sighs. "What happened to hyung?" Chanhee asks half concerned half amazed at how fast the older's mood had changed.

"That my baby brother is called moodswings. You are going to go through the same. And you are gonna be worst than Hannie." Seungcheol groans. Chanhee hissed at brother throwing a cushion. "You are mean. Hannie hyung is right." He says. "I better go buy some ice cream before I gt kicked out and have to sleep on the couch." Seungcheol says as he gets up making sure he had his wallet with him and walked out.

Chanhee shakes his head as he stands up and goes up to his room with his bag on his hand. He put his bag on the table and goes to freshen up and changed his clothes. After he was done he gets his phone from his bag and lays down on the bed breathing out. He search up some more things about male pregnancy and how to take care of himself. He blushes when he sees an article about pregnancy sex quickly putting the phone down as his cheeks turn red. He trails his hands over his still flat stomach. Less than nine months and he would be meeting his baby. He smiled at the thought. He thinks of how the baby would look. Would they take after Sunwoo? Or him? All the thoughts making him eager for the time the baby will finally come. As he falls asleep, he dreams of little hands and little feets, soft giggles and soft smiles.

[End of chapter]

How are you all?! I still can't get over Kingdom Come performance like holy damn 😭😭 That was sooooooo good. The SunNyu section is killer skndjskzkz like omfg i legit had a heart attack watching that. Chanhee also got so much part it made me happyyy

Anyways I hope you all liked the chapter. Feedbacks are appreciated as always 💜 Stay tuned for next chapter. Love you alll~ byeeee 🦋🦋

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