Chapter 5.

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By the time dinner was ready all the participants from the kitchen war had finally cleaned up and were making their way to the dining room. Once everyone was seated, Alfred started dishing out dinner.

Bruce was the first one to break the silence,

So Marinette, I've heard quite a lot about you from your file.You are originally from here for that matter, is that correct? Marinette nods.

It is, My biological parents were born in Gotham. They were childhood friends of sixteen years until my father asked my mother out. They were both thirty when they had me and were thirty three when they had my little sister Massy.

Your sister would have been quite young when the accident happened.

Yes, Massy had just turned four and my father wanted to take her out for ice cream. My mother was busy with work and I with school. About two hours after my school had started I was called to the principal's office. My father and Sister had been killed in a mugging. They were in the wrong place,wrong time. Marinette tells.

Everyone looks at Bruce to see what he says next.

And your mother...?

About two months after the incident, I had just turned eight, and I was trying to get her out of her room to eat but as i opened the door to her room she had a r-rope wrapped around her n-neck. I called the a-ambulance but they tried to find a p-pulse but there was no luck. S-she died immediately. Trying to not break down from the memory, Marinette wipes her tears and smiles sadly.

My Auntie Sabine and my Uncle Tom had to take care of all the funeral arrangements. I asked not to go to the funeral as I wanted to remember my family from when they were alive, thinking back, now I know I was being selfish. But considering I didnt go, I have know clue where they were buried so I cant even visit them even if I wanted to.

Bruce shakes head slowly to draw Marinettes attention towards him.

Marinette you and I are quite alike. My Parents were murdered in a robbery gone wrong. I watched my Parents get killed and simply couldn't do anything as I was a young boy back then. Bruce smiles softly at the young lady in front of him.

But one thing that Alfred taught me was even as events occur and might not go the way you want them to go doesn't mean that you put them blame on yourself. You were not at fault from anything of your family deaths, nor were you selfish for not going to the funeral. It makes you brave, you survived the pain and suffering of losing those close to you and you carried on. Though I don't know your parents and can tell you that they would be so proud of you for what you have done to Paris.

Marinette stares at Bruce in awe and shock before smiling and rubbing her tears away.

Thank you Bruce, And I'm sure your parents are proud of what you have accomplished in their absence.

Shaking his head fondly, Bruce smiles at the bluenette, Thank you Marinette. Now I believe we have some dessert to eat before going our separate ways for the night.

On cue, Alfred exits the kitchen being out two big platters with all different desserts on them. In the middle sat the cookies Alfred and Marinette had made before the disaster of the kitchen had hit.

While picking out their selected desserts, Tim decides to take one of the cookies and try it.

Taking a bite out of the baked good, Tims eyes go wide, These are amazing! How are they so good?!

Chuckling softly Alfred answers the young man, Miss Marinette used the recipe her parents taught, they are actually vegan ingredients as Miss Marinette wanted everyone to enjoy them.

Humming,Bruce reaches for a cookie, before taking a bite, I must admit these are quite divine Miss Marinette.

Blushing from the attention, Marinette shakes her head, I wasnt the only one, Alfred had been a big help with making those.

Miss Marinette, you were the one that made the dough. All I did was help stir and put it in the oven. Alfred spoke to the girl.

Marinette blushes from the compliments, deciding not to argue anymore, she simply just nods. Scoffing softly, Damian reaches over to try one of the baked goods.Placing it into his mouth, Damian's face reacts in shock.

This tastes amazing He whispers quietly.

Though Marinette hears him and smiles softly, but decides not to say anything out loud. I'm glad he likes them, after Alfred told me he was vegan I thought it would be good to make the cookies vegan so everyone can try them.

*After dinner*

Since we are all finished, I think it's time for us to go our separate ways for the night. Since it's Marinettes first day at Gotham Academy, Damian, you will help her get around the school for the day. Instead of arguing, Damian just nods at his father.

Once saying goodnight to everyone, Marinette heads up to her room. After closing her bedroom door, Marinette takes a deep breath before travelling towards her bed.

Marinette, will you be going to sleep?

Smiling softly at the voice, The french girl nods, Yes Tikki, I dont want to be late to my first day at a new school in a new country.

I'm so proud of you Mari, You have grown so much in these last five years. thought the tiny god.

Alright goodnight Mari. Goodnight Tikki.

Lets hope this school will be different and I can have a new beginning. Were Marinettes last thought before falling into a deep slumber.

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