Chapter 7

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"WOW!!" Marinette gasps as she turns slowly around in circles to take a look at the room. "Is this the Batcave? This is where you do all the high-tech stuff and have meetings. This is amazing!"

Bruce chuckles softly at the girl's reaction, "I'm glad you like it, I thought this would be the best place to speak. Would you be able to wake up the man behind you?"

Marinette looks behind her at the man in all black. Without answering, the exchange student roundhouse kicks the assassin in the face.

"Ahh! I'm sorry, don't hurt me! I'm only the messenger!"

"Who sent you here? Was it Talia?!"

"Yes! Talia Al Ghul!" "Why did she send you for!" Red hood shouts at the man that looks like he is about to pass out.

"She sent me to try to kidnap Marinette Dupain Cheng, she was going to make her marry her spouse, Damian Al Ghul."

"How would she possibly do that? Damian lives with his father now." Robin growls.

The man shakes his head, "She said something about threatening him to do her bidding and taking away everything he loves."

"She can try all she wants, even if you succeeded in kidnapping me, I wouldn't marry her spouse no matter if she threatens me. Nothing against Damian Wayne but I don't need a man in my life. So you can go back to her and tell her this..." Marinette takes a deep breath.

"No matter how much you push me, I will just grow stronger. I've got nothing to lose, I've already lost everything. You can keep trying but you won't succeed. I'm always one step ahead of you."

Everyone's breath hitched hearing those words, the batboys couldn't stop thinking how much pain she must have gone through losing all that she loves.

Meanwhile, Bruce can't help but feel proud of what Marinette has achieved despite everything that has happened. Without another word, Marinette made her way upstairs to the room she will be sleeping in. The batboys watch as the young lady walks away.

"Despite everything she has been through, how can she still think so positively?"

Dick mumbles quietly before changing back to his blank face when facing the man in front of him.

Bruce, deciding to ignore the questions, speaks to the assassin, "What's the real reason for trying to kidnap Marinette?"

The man gulps at the infamous scowl everyone talks about that is placed on Batman's face.

"Talia wants Ladybug for an experiment, to see if she can transfer the magic of the Kwamis to different people, to make the leagues of assassins more powerful."

The bat fam stares in horror as the assassin explains Talia's plan.

Hearing a sharp growl cut through the air, batman turns towards his youngest.

"You can tell Talia that Marinette is under the bat family protection if she still wishes to continue her plan she will be not just coming after Marinette but she will also be dealing with us."

Bruce smiles, noticing the change in his son's stance when mentioned the young woman, instead of standing in the position that clearly states a threat, the stance he now was in, is more of a protective position as if he was waiting for the assassin to try to get back up and try to get the Marinette once more.

Grinning secretly Bruce thinks to himself,

'By this rate, I won't need to adopt the Heroine. My son is doing all the work for me'

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