
952 28 103

August 25, 1985
2:00 PM

While Benji and Max decided to fool around on their skateboards, Sam and El were sat on the grass on the edge of the basketball court in silence, watching the other two. El was completely focused on their movements, examining each step to be able to maybe try later. She wasn't going to give up on skateboarding so easily. Like Max said, she can't expect it to go her way right from the beginning. Which meant, that if she keeps on pushing, she has to get it at some point, right? And while the brunette's thoughts were occupied, the auburn-haired girl next to her was talking quick glances to her side to look at El. Frankly, the girl seemed like a character from a movie to her. The silence between them was a bit awkward to Sam, so she decided to begin a conversation and maybe get to know her more. There must be a reason hy Max is so interested in her. Yes, just like Benji, Sam knew about Max's preferrences. Mostly because she recognised that some of her own and the redhead's actions were similar. But nobody needed to know that. Except for her twin brother though...nothing could ever escape his sharp eye. And she was cursing herself for not being more careful around him. But that was not the point right now. She wanted to know more about this girl that was sitting right next to her.

~ "So...tomorrow's your first day of school, huh?" Sam began, turning her head. El had a little startle at the sudden sound, but nodded at the question.

~ "Yeah." Was all she said, not really knowing what else to say. As mentioned earlier, she wasn't of the brightest when it came to words.

~ "That's cool. We'll see each other there then. Me and Benji are gonna be sophomores but that's okay. I can introduce you to my friends there if you want." Sa proposed. El gulped unconsciously. More introducing? Hopper wouldn't allow that, that was for sure. But she didn't want to disappoint the girl, so she decided to agree for now.

~ "That would be great. Um...what's...sophomore?" The brunette asked, making the other's eyebrows jump up.

~ "You don't know what a sophomore is?" Sam asked, utterly surprised. That girl's going to High school and she doesn't know what a sophomore is? That is strange. Little kids know that. She thought while the other girl shook her head, realising she probably should've asked Max later.

~ "Well, High school has four grades as I'm sure you know. Your first year there, you're a Freshman. When you're in your second year, you're a sophomore. Third-graders are called Juniors and the fourth year is called a Senior year. That's when you graduate." Sam explained, studying El's confused expression. The brunette never heard about anything like that. Sure, she had some necessary info, but Hopper must've left this out when he was telling her about his High school years.

~ "Oh...okay. Thanks, I'll remember that." El smiled at Sam, appreciating that she didn't make fun of her like many people would. Sam reciprocated the smile and reached for her bag, opening it. She then pulled out a can of something that El had only ever seen Hopper drink. It had Coors written on it. The brunette knew that only adults were allowed to drink this so it confused her that Sam had it with her. The auburn-haired girl turned to her and handed her the can while pulling out a second one.

~ "Want one?" Sam asked, waving the can in front of El's face. The brunette was unsure. Should she take it?

~ "I'm...not allowed to drink this." El answered, making the other roll her eyes.

~ "Oh come ooon. Don't tell me you've never had beer before. I've seen ten year olds drink this. It's nothing bad. It'll make you feel good." Sam insisted. El hesitated a few seconds, eyeing the yellow can before giving in to her curiosity and taking it in her hand. She fanted to fit in. She wanted to be accepted. And this can seemed like a free ticket to being normal. So, she watched the other girl's movements as she was opening the can and repeated them after her, hearing a bit of fizz come out of it. Sam then held her can up towards El, clinking their cans.

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