
911 32 99

August 26, 1985
7: 00 AM

I woke up to the sound of static. I know that sound. My walkie. I rolled to the other side of my bed and switched the lamp on. It flickered a little before the light reached the walls of my room and allowed me to see that the walkie was laying on the shelf next to the door. I stood up and walked towards it. It was weird. Usually, there would be a voice coming from the walkie with a static but...now I couldn't hear anyone. I picked the walkie up and moved it to my ear. Maybe it's broken.

~ "Eleven?" A voice...a voice that sent shivers down my spine. I recognised it and immediately threw the walkie away from me. It landed on the bed with a thud. The voice. It was Papa. It was him...how did he find me? Where is he? My eyes were wide open as I looked around me. What if he knows where I am?

~ "Eleven. I know you can hear me. You can't hide from me." His voice reminded me of the years of fear I felt before I escaped from that place. I remember it all. It hurt and made my heart beat ten times faster.

~ "I'm coming for you. Very soon, I promise. But in the meantime, maybe you'd like to have a last word with your friend." His voice said, making my eyes water. He can't find me here, right? Hop said he won't. He can't know where Iam. Can't hurt me.

~ "El! They're here! They're all here! You need to run! Don't listen to anything he sa-" Another voice. Max. They got Max. She's in danger. I dashed towards the bed, grabbing the walkie and pressing the red button without thinking of the concequences.

~ "Max! Don't hurt her, please, Papa!" I couldn't help myself. I started sobbing into the walkie, fear consuming my senses that were holding me back from answering just a few seconds ago. There was no response. I was clutching the walkie so tight I could see my knuckles turn white.

~ "Papa! PAPA! NO!" I tried to make him answer me, but all I got was my own screams when I felt arms lock me in place from behind. I started writhing around in hopes to free myself. Unfortunately, to no avail.

~ "Stop! No! Stop it!" The frightened brunette yelled, kicking around herself in fear.

~ "Jesus, kid. El, you're okay. Calm down...calm down." Hopper said with his arms around his daughter as he struggled to make the girl realise she's not in danger.

~ "It was just a bad dream. It's okay." He added when the adrenalin started fading away from the girl's body, making her aware of her surroundings and allowing her to let the rest of the tears out. She realised that the arms around her were actually Hopper's and relaxed, last sob shaking her before she started focusing on calming her breathing like her father taught her a few months ago.

"Breathe in through your nose. Hold it for a while. Hold it. And breathe out."

She repeated the process a few times, feeling her heartbeat slow down.

~ "There you go...good job." Hopper said, seeing that the girl was past the worst. Once El was completely calm, he let go of her, allowing her to turn around and face him.

~ "You okay, kid?" He asked, recieving a look of worry from the other. She needed to see Max. To make sure she's okay. She had a gut feeling that something's wrong. Maybe it was because of the dream but...she needed to be sure sure.

~ "The school." She said.

~ "Yeah. Today." Hopper nodded.

~ "I need to go there. Quick." El added, making the man in front of her nod again.

~ "Sure as hell you do, kid. And it's starting in an hour so chop-chop." Hopper clapped a few times, getting up an going to prepare the breakfast and lunch for the brunette. After he walked out of the room, El got up and made her way to her closet, opening it. She had her clothes for her first day of school already prepared from when Joyce took her shopping for something nicer to wear earlier in the month, since all she had back then were hand-me-downs from Hopper. It was nice. The woman drove with her to another town, since the only mall in Hawkins was destroyed, and allowed her to pick out some clothes she liked. And man, did they have a good day. Joyce was really nice to her and fun to talk to. El smiled at that memory and took the clothes she wanted out of the closet. The girl's style was colourful and comfortable. She loved to wear her cuffed mom jeans that she grew to like while she was with Kali, and her flower patterned shirt that was a bit oversized, but she was comfortable in it, so it was okay. She then tucked it under the jeans and slipped into her white converse that she was surprised still fit her since she grew a bit from the last time she wore them. She brushed her hair because she was famous in the party for her morning bed head and brushed her teeth after.

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