
706 25 41

August 26, 1985
3:20 PM

As soon as the chief's car drove away, Benji stood in front of Max with a light smirk and she knew exactly why.

~ "So? How was the rest of yesterday?" The boy asked, wiggling his eyebrows. He was sure something had to happed between the two girls since...well, Sam basically outed Max in front of El. The redhead gave him the most genuine poker face she could at the moment before sighing and looking down.

~ "Just...yesterday. Not bad." She shrugged, making the boy roll his eyes a little.

~ "Oh, come on. So, you didn't do the emotional talk or anything? No sweet shit?" He raised one eyebrow, not aware of the fact that he just got in the way of one. The boy might not look it, but he was actually so soft and secretly liked everything including romance. Not many people knew that though.

~ "What? No! No we didn't...ugh..." Max closed her eyes for a second, not being able to erase El's visibly disappointed expression as she walked away from her mind. She knew she has to talk to her. Soon.

~ "Max? Are you okay?" Benji asked, trying to meet her eyes, which was hard considering he was two heads taller than her.

~ "Benji I-...I have to go home. I'm sorry I'm just...I don't feel so good." Max said with an apologetic expression, feeling her skin tingling from how nervous and uncomfortable she was feeling at the moment. Benji knew that Max could sometimes be like this and didn't dig deeper, nodding.

~ "Okay. See you tomorrow?"

~ "Yeah. See you." She waved him goodbye with a light smile that didn't reach her eyes, turning and walking to her house.

- - - - - - - -------- - - - - - - -

When Max got home, she walked into the house to a complete silence that made her sigh in relief. No TV playing. No radio blasting music. No glass shattering. No screams. Noone. She preffered it like this, although there's one person she would love for to be here. El. She thought. She knew they needed to talk. She just didn't really know what to say to her. Now, she knows that she's hiding something from her. It was clear from the sudden change of her behaviour. She knows she didn't tell her the truth...the redhead made her way up the slightly creaky stairs and into her room, flopping onto her bed face-first. She exhaled into her pillow, her mind swarming with thoughts. After a moment of contemplating upon an idea, she rolled onto her back and took a deep breath before sitting up and reaching under the bed. Her fingers eventually found an object, the rectangular shape of it telling her she's found what she's looking for. She pulled her hand back up and turned the walkie on, just looking at it after. Second thoughts were starting to invade her mind so she quickly reached out to swich the walkie on the right channel before they could somehow stop her from what she'd decided to do. Overthinking never did any good to her. But neither did her mouth. The redhead stared at the speaker for a few seconds, biting on her bottom lip lightly. Her thumb then reached out and pressed the red button. She still had a chance to back away, hesitating for a second with her eyes closed while visualizing what she's gonna say. She could feel her heard thumping in her chest as she took some air in and opened her mouth.

~ "El? It's Max. Are you free? Over." She was trying to sound confident, but her nervousness was making it hard for her. There was no response for a while before the sound of static could be heard again.

~ "Um...hi. I'm free." El finally said, making the redhead's stomach churn with anxiety. The brunette's voice sounded a little...distant. Now Max was sure that she was mad at her.

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