
940 30 19

August 26, 1985
8:05 AM

Max reached out for the door handle to open the door to the girl's locker room. It took the two a while to find the right way, but eventually, they found the gym, so it was pretty easy from then. The redhead pushed the door open with her arm and walked in, the brunette following close behind while taking a look around the new place. The room was mostly filled with dark green lockers. Some open, some already taken by other girls who were now talking while sitting on a bench that was pushed against the wall. Max's sneakers squeaked against the white tiles, catching their attention as she walked to the lockers that were the farthest. She just preferred it like that. It allowed her to see the whole room without being noticed too much. Thankfully, there were a few empty lockers so El could have the one next to her. And just as she was about to ask the brunette if she wanted to, the other girl automatically walked after her best friend, smiling at her as she put her things in the locker next to Max's. Max smiled back at her, a warm sensation spilling in her stomach at the thought that El actually wanted to stick with her. It just made her feel good in a way. If someone told her that her and El will be friends two months ago, she wouldn't believe it. Before, El was barely even acknowledging her existence. Max's theory was that Mike was influencing El's opinion on her by telling her how annoying the redhead is and all that stuff that he used to say about her. The two have never been the best friends so she wouldn't be surprised if it was true.

~ "We should hurry. The teacher's gonna freak if we're late." Max rolled her eyes a bit, knowing that rules are now probably stricter for them than they were in middle school and she didn't want to get detention right on the first day.

~ "What do you do at PE? I mean...except for dodge-ball?" El asked, getting her gym clothes out.

~ "Um...we play other games, like voleyball, basketball. We climb rope, do some basic gymnastics. Sometimes we go outside for the long jump or the track. There's a lot of different things." Max started naming all the activitues for the brunette, who listened to her carefully as they started changing. As El didn't know she had to have different shoes with her for the class, she didn't bring them and had to keep her white converse on. It made her worry about whether is the teacher going to be angry with her. When she finished changing, she waited for Max while leaning her back on the wall and looking around. The other four girls obviously didn't want her or Max to know what they were talking about because they started whispering things to each other the second the two walked into the room. It then looked like noone other is going to show up until the door opened once again and a hispanic girl rushed in with black and white pieces of...something El couldn't really recognise. She was clutching the weird thingies to her chest and it looked like she was barely managing to keep them from falling from her arms while she was walking towards a locker, trying to open it with her elbow. She failed miserably when one piece fell out of her hand.

~ "Shit..." the girl muttered, looking to where the piece landed while the other pieces in her hands followed until just a few of them stayed in between her fingers.

~ "Shit...not the pawns." She whispered and put the rest of the pieces into her now open locker before bending down and starting to collect the rest. A few pieces fell near El, so she decided to help the girl, bending down too. The brunette picked one up and looked at it. It looked like a...horse head? A wooden horse head. Why would someone carry horse heads around? Confused, she continued picking the weird things until she saw none around. The hispanic girl looked at her, seeing that she just wanted to help and smiled.

~ "Thanks." The girl said when El handed her the pieces and started placing them in he bag.

~ "Uhm...what are they?" El decided to ask when the other girl placed her bag in the locker. She obviously confused her with her question.

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