Beach Days Part 2

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*Next morning*

You wake up to Mina looking over you. "Wake up!! We have to hurry to the beach the boys are already up!"

"Ughhhh" you say rolling out of bed. You get ready for the day and put on your (fav color/pattern etc.) bathing suit. "Oh my word! You look so good!" Mina and Ochaco say in unison. "Thanks you guys do too!" You blush. You weren't used to bathing suits or compliments.

You meet up with the boys who, like Mina said, were already ready. "Wow you guys look great!" Kiri says. You look over at Bakugou who's.... Blushing? That cant be right. You make eye contact, both blush, and look away. "Was he actually blushing?" You think to yourself, blushing super hard. 

"woah y/n are u blushing?" Asui asks. "w-what no of c-course not." You say embarrassed. "ok if you say so" Says Asui.

*Bakugous POV*

I watched y/n and all the girls come down and for some dang reason my face got super hot! And then I felt sick to my stomach. Geez I thought I was suddenly sick or something. Y/n came my way and I had to look away cause I couldn't stop blushing. Wait is that what it is? Blushing? No way. Dang I think she noticed. Is she blushing too? she looks ridiculous. (Translation: She looks cute.) 

*Your POV*

"lets go swimming already" Ochaco wines. 

"Yeah lets go!" denki yells. You walk along as Bakugou is trudging on behind you.

Everyone starts running to the ocean before Mr. Aizawa says, "Hey don't forget sunscreen." Everyone sighs and puts on sunscreen. Everyone rushed in the water. You and Bakugou were still applying sunscreen. You couldn't get your back of course and everyone was already in the water so you had no choice but.... to ask..... Bakugou. You blushed just thinking about it. "Wait what? He would never do that." You think. Its worth a shot.

 "hey Bakugou," You hesitate.

"what idiot?" He retorts.

"Uh I was just wondering if you could put this on my back?" You say blushing. You look up to see his face is like so red. You chuckle.


"nothing, nothing. Are u going to do it or what?"

"WHY WOULD I DO THAT." He screams.

"Geez fine." You say. "Knew he wouldn't do that." You think. He yanks the bottle out of your hand and starts putting it on your back. 

*Bakugous POV*

I got the bottle of sunscreen from Y/N and hesitated to put it on her back. "Jeez why am I sweating so much?" He thinks to himself. No no im not nervous or anything. He puts his hand on your back and puts the sunscreen on. "Gosh her back is so smooth. WHAT THE HECK IS THIS GIRL MAKING ME THINK" He thinks.

 *Your POV*

You blush like crazy. It wasn't really like Bakugou to do something like this. He gives it back to you not making eye contact.

"Th-thanks" You say.

"Yeah whatever. DON'T EXPECT ME TO DO IT AGAIN!" he yells.

"yeah yeah I know." You say. You see him struggling to put it on his back. "want some help?" You ask but realize he would just yell.

"HECK NO" He yells. "Yep knew it." You think. You grab the sunscreen from his hand and start applying it. You are blushing like absolute crazy. You try to control yourself so that he doesn't see you blushing.

"ok done. Here u go." You give the sunscreen back to him. You wait to see if he'll say thanks. But he just starts walking towards the ocean. "Uh you're welcome." You say.

"Yeah whatever idiot." He says.

*Bakugous POV*

She offered to help me put sunscreen on. I panicked for some reason and told her no. She started walking over to me and I started blushing. 

She grabbed the bottle from my hand and began to apply it to my back. 

"Her hands are so small." He chuckled to himself. (He found that cute) She finished and I walked off feeling..... weird. "Gosh I should rly see a doctor." He thinks.

(this idiot rly thinks hes sick but he just has a crush on you) 

(Hope you liked this chapter! Its not going to be big paragraphs cause I finally realized that looks weird lol. Anyway I hope you stay here for the next part!!)

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