Beach Days Part 5

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*Sort of a flashback to you talking with Mina*

"OH MY WORD" Mina yells.

"What?!" You say shocked that she yelled.

"I have the perfect idea...ok so ill say, '"Why don't you guys take a walk on the beach!"' And you guys can have some alone time and maybeee...."

"Maybe what" You ask kinda scared.

"You can confess!!" She explains. "Just think! It'll be the perfect setting! A walk on the beach and then BAM a confession!" She says.

"WHAT no I c-cant do that Mina!" You say blushing like crazy just thinking about it.

"Y/n," Mina got serious all of a sudden. "Do you want to be with Bakugou or do just want to keep being his friend?"

"Well I mean I obviously want to be with him." You blush.

"Ok then! You got this y/n! Plus he totally likes you." 

"Ack I really don't know if I can do this. Its so sudden!"

"I get that. If you are super uncomfortable about it you don't have to do it but just think of what might happen if you do!" Mina exclaims.

You think about it and get nervous. "Ill try," you tell Mina. "But if I don't do it then don't get mad. Ok?"

"Ok yay!!" Mina hugs you

*Back to walking on the beach*

"Im so nervous. What if he really doesn't see me the way I see him?" You worry. "Im just going to go for it." You build up the courage and think of Minas words and say, "Um I h-have to tell you s-something."

I can feel Bakugous eyes on me! Ugh im so nervous! "I-" That's all I got out whenI hear... laughing??

"WATCH OUT" I hear everyone call out.

I look behind me and I see someone coming towards me. "Ive never seen this villain before. He must be a rookie." I think to myself.

I see Bakugous quirk go off in the villains face. The villain turns his attention to Bakugou. The villains about to use his quirk but can't. I look at Aizawa sensei and piece it together.

I punch the villain in his no no square. (Im sorry lol) He falls to the ground. I go Captain Levi on him and kick him in the face. (I really hope you understand this) Aizawa Sensei comes over and bounds him with his scarf.

I look at everyone and they all have these shocked looks on their faces.

"Woah." Bakugou breathes out.

"OH MY GOODNESS Y/N THAT WAS SO MANLY!" Kirishima yells out as everyone comes rushing towards you.

*Bakugous POV after you defeat the villain*

"Woah." I say in shock. She looked pretty cool I guess beating that villain up.

 I look over at y/n and she looks a little shaken up. I go towards her but Kirishima beats me to it. "Dang it."

"THAT WAS AMAZING Y/N!!" Mina yells out.

"Wow I didn't know you had that in you." Midoriya starts asking her tons of questions about her techniques or whatever.

"that stupid Deku." I think. "Why is he so interested in her."

"Wow y/n you did great!" Ochaco compliments her. "Wasn't that amazing Bakugou?" She asks me.

"Yeah you did ok I guess. All she did was beat up some weak villain." I say non-chalantly. "She looked pretty tough." I think.

"But y/n, weren't you scared of that sudden attack?" Asui asks.

Y/n laughs nervously, "Not at all." She says. I can tell she got scared though.

She looks really uncomfortable. Without thinking I grab her hand and lead her towards the ocean.

"B-bakugou..?" She says.

"Gosh what am I doing." I think to myself.

"Hey! Where are you guys-" Denki says but Mina and Kirishima hit him with their elbow.

"Where are we going?" Y/n asks me.

"I don't know. I just wanted to leave." (Translation: He wanted to get you away from people.) 

                                                             (I don't  k n o w ,  ok.)

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