Beach Days Part 6

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(Ok so first off I love this pic.^ Second, this story is idek anymore so just read at your own risk cause it's not that good lol) 

*Your POV*

"Oh." You say.

You guys are still walking, "Hey I think we should stop walking now." You say to him. He stops.

It's silent. "Soooo..."

"So what?" Bakugou retorts.

"I don't know you're the one who lead me here." You say. "What do ya want to talk about."

"What were you going to tell me?" He asks.


"Before we got attacked, you were going to tell me something."

You blush sort of glad you got interrupted. "Oh it was nothing." You lie.

"Yeah right, you're lying to me aren't you?" He leans down to look at you and smirks.

Panicked, you look away. He turns your face to look at him. "Well? Are you going to tell me or what?"

 "AAAHHHHHH HIS SMIRKKKK" You think. "Ya know what... wait no I can't! Yes you can y/n, now just say it!"

"I like you!" You blurt out while Bakugou is still holding your face and your eyes are closed.

You open your eyes to see him wide eyed and blushing like crazy.

*Bakugous POV*

"I like you!" Just keeps playing over and over in my head. I can't even think straight. I'm way too happy right now. I can hardly keep myself from smiling.

"B-bakugou?" I hear y/n say.

I was zoned out too shocked to move, looking into her nervous e/c eyes.

I let go of her face and stand up straight. I looked at the ocean and tried to cover up my blush but I can't help it.

"W-who wouldn't." I say.

She scoffs, "Of course the ridiculously cocky Bakugou would say that." She pauses, "Is that all you're going to say?" She asks.

"W-well what do you want me to say?" I say almost yelling. I look at her surprised that I yelled. She looks surprised too. "Didn't mean to yell."

"Jeez well I obviously want you to say you like me back but I know that won't happen." She laughs uncomfortably.

I don't know how to respond.

"A-anyway now you know. See ya." She walks away.

"No come back." I think. "God dang it! I want her to stay."

*your POV*

"Gosh I shouldn't have done that." You think walking back to everyone else. "Why did I do that?! Ugh!!" You're really frustrated. You think back to his face after you told him. "He was pretty cute and he was blushing." You blush just thinking about his shocked face. "But he's just too much of a jerk!" You try to convince yourself.

You didn't really want to talk to anyone so you just went back to your room you shared with the girls.

After you closed the door you started to cry just a bit. "What? No I shouldn't be crying over a boy. I told myself I'd never do that." But you did anyway. You slowly got ready for bed as you head downstairs to get a snack. You see Bakugou walk in so you quickly run back to your room.

*Bakugous POV after you left*

I walk back to where everyone is.

"What happened man?" Kirishima asks me.

I shrug not wanting to talk about it. I stay out there for a while till Mina pulls me aside.

"What do you want pinky?" I ask.

"She confessed, didn't she?" Mina asks.

How the hell does she know? "How the hell do you know?"

"I planned it, duh. You broke her heart didn't you? I swear Bakugou you're the worst!! And to think you actually like her!! Why didn't you call her back to you huh?"

I wanted to. "LIKE I WOULD LIKE SOMEONE LIKE HER" I yell. I didn't mean that. I walk off into the house. I see y/n in her PJ's getting something from the fridge.

 Before I can say anything she spots me and runs back upstairs. Her eyes looked red. "Jeez she's been crying hasn't she? What a baby." I feel so guilty. I walk upstairs and without thinking I knock on her door.

"What do you want?" I hear her say.

I open the door and walk in. She's sitting on the floor eating and watching something on her phone.

I should apologies. What no?! THE Bakugou apologiesing?? Pfft like hell I would ever to do that. I feel the need to though.

"Sorry." I say.



"Bakugou I don't have time for this. What did you say?" She looks up at me.

Her eyes look sad. "I said I'm sorry."

"For what." She smirks.


*Your POV*

You figured he wouldn't say why but at least he apologiesed. You felt better. Just then Mina came bursting through the door grabbed you and pulled you to a closet.

"M-mina! What are you doing?" You say super confused.

You hear Bakugou yelling from upstairs. You then see Kirishima and Denki dragging Bakugou downstairs to you. You avoid eye contact with Bakugou it's just too embarrassing.

 They push you both in the closet and you hear then chuckling as they lock it. "You'll thank us later!!" You hear Mina say.

"YEAH RIGHT NOW LET US OUT OF HERE!!" Bakugou yells banging on the door.

You roll your eyes and sit down on the floor. "Guess we're spending the night in here."

Bakugou huffs.

"It's gonna be a long night." You think.

(What am I doing with my life I swear) 

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