The lady of Wayne Manor

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Hi, my bat-children! I'm back! So has anyone watch or seen Batman Beyond. This is my new inspiration to write for this chapter. 

Anyways so I also read the comics where Terry and Damian meet each other! And may I say Damian looks fine in those comics!

Warnings: angst - (yes leave me alone okay, I love my drama!)


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The ravennette walked down the spiralling staircase of the cave, where a heavily aged Bruce Wayne sat at the controls of the Batcomputer. With his cane leaning against the chair, a hand gripped on the top of the cane as Bruce -who already sensed Terry coming- whipped his head to the side.

"How was the report for Science?" Bruce inquired as Terry took off his tanned jacket.

"Finished it last minute, but I think I did alright." Terry shrugged as leaned behind Bruce's chair.

"Any more?" Bruce said

"Yeah, my favourite subject of course history... speaking of which I need to ask you a question about something for my report," Terry asked as Bruce lifted a brow of intriguing. 

"Go on,"

"Well we're we got assigned topics about Gotham and I got urban legends and stories," Terry started to rub the back of his neck, "And you've been around a while," as Bruce glared making Terry gulp.

"You don't have to reword it, I know I'm old," Bruce gruffed.

"So yeah I was thinking you can help me out with one," Terry explained as the remaining known Wayne sighed.

"Well, there are a few that I should know. You can do one about the five founders of Gotham, I can help you-,"

"Oh, no, no Bruce that wasn't what I meant. I've already picked one, and actually for you to explain," Terry said trying to facade his nervousness as Bruce raised a brow.

"I was hoping you could help me with the legend of the Lady of Wayne Manor," Terry revealed as Bruce widened his eyes.

"I haven't heard that one," he said calmly, confused about the legend he hasn't heard of but knew the title.

"You haven't heard of it?!" Terry exclaimed, "Its been around for over twenty years, or actually perhaps even more,"

"How does it go?" Bruce asked curiously

"The story goes the current head of the Wayne household was enchanted by a woman of great beauty during his travels. The two instantly falling in love, the aristocrat immediately took her home and kept her inside the manor walls. In return, he would constantly shower her in gifts. But unexpectedly he killed the lady and once realising what he had done he was enraged and fled, grieving for the loss of his wife. But they say anyone who disrespects the Lady of the manor pays terribly,"

Damian Wayne Oneshots (Under major editing)Where stories live. Discover now