That Tingly Feeling.

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It won't be the movie teen titans (flash point), it will be based on Prime Earth, the one with kid flash (Billy) part of the team. But a bit of the movie inspired. Requested by vcghost18

"Are you sure about this?" you ask unsure, fidgeting with the feature on your suit

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"Are you sure about this?" you ask unsure, fidgeting with the feature on your suit. You glance at the superhero elder, the night just managing to slip in you could see from the cropped view of the alleyway buildings, as you space off once again hearing from high-pitched radio frequencies that morph into conversations. You tune off Nightwing's words as your hearing dilates to all the sounds from five blocks away.

"Y/n," Nightwing waves his hand in front of you and you shake your head trying to snap out of it. The loud conversations fade slowly, gaining your attention to the former Robin's words. "Hey," he puts a hand on your shoulder making you flinch. "Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah," you rub your head and groan. "Happened third time today."

Nightwing forms a small smile, a bit relieved in a sort of way. "You're getting so much better with your powers, I'm proud."

It was true though, ever since you had first met Nightwing and he had taken you under his wing and lived with him. It was supposed to be a recon mission for Spyral, who had started dabbling into superhuman meta genes with kids. Specifically, associating animal genes and enhancing them with humans. It was when Oracle (Barbra) had picked up on unprecedented heat signatures under an abandoned laboratory and had found you as the only living survivor out of the experiments.

From the amount of testing you did with Barbra to see what were your powers and how you could control them. Throughout the testing you did with them Barbara and Nightwing had listed the array of 'vampire-like' powers Nightwing had labelled you had inherited. The first off being able to fly which Grayson had been a bit too excited about, then it was the basic array of enhanced superhuman features such as flexibility and enhanced senses, and being able to reappear and appear in short distances with a small puff of black smoke surrounding you.

"You're going to love it! We're gonna hone your powers and most importantly make friends!" he jubilantly says as you cringe a bit at his statement.

"You sound like a camp leader," you laugh.

"What can I say? It's my charm," he winks under the mask, "Oh one more thing!" he pulls out a mask and hands it to you.

"You're gonna need this," he says proudly and you inspect it. It was Grayson's old mask from when he was Robin except it was black.

"You pray painted it black didn't you," you raise a brow as he nervously laughs and rubs the back of his neck. "Thank you," you genuinely say and put it on, moving your face muscles to adjust to it. "Cool," you state as it runs an ID search of Nightwing. "How do I look?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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