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Baby felt like crying.

Here she was, in Thailand, expecting to see Sergio and tell him the unfortunate news of Rio's arrest. But now, she stood in front of her friends, her family, who held tears in their eyes at the sight of Baby, their Baby.

Behind the walls that she fortified after the death of Berlin, she was sobbing. Everyone was back, everyone was safe, and from what it looked like, everyone was happy, minus 1. Nothing warmed her heart more than the group of people sitting in front of her. Well, maybe if Berlin and Martín were there too, but that's besides the point. The point is:

The band was back together.

Fuck yea.

Silence enveloped the room. No one really knew what to say. The group of thieves at the table were rendered speechless. That is, until, someone finally spoke up. Well, more like screamed.

"AAAHHHHH!!!!" Helsinki exclaimed as he practically launched himself on the smaller girl. Wrapping her in his famous bear hug, Helsinki spun Baby around in his embrace, almost flailing the girl in his arms.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Helsi! Can you let a bitch breathe?!"

Her plea seemed to break everyone out of the trance they were in and cause them to cheer and run over to greet her.

Helsinki's deep laugh brought back a feeling in her that she hadn't felt in a while, 2 years to be exact. It felt like home.

Cheers and squeals sounded the room as Baby reunited with her family. She went around from person to person, wrapping them in the biggest hugs that she could muster.

"Oh my god. Look at you!" Nairobi held Baby's face in her hands and smothered it with kisses. "Ahh, you're so beautiful. I missed your beautiful face."

Baby grinned at her best friend before bringing her into a tight embrace.

"I missed you, too, more than you'll ever know," Baby confessed. She pulled away and looked at all of them. "I missed you all. God, 2 years with the newlyweds was not as exciting as it seems."

They all laughed at her joke, before somber expressions filled everyone's faces. Baby was so incredibly happy to be with them all again, but she was smart. She knew that if they were all together again meant that something happened, it meant that they already knew about Rio's arrest.

Baby then turned to Tokyo, the girl who she's spent the past 2 years and then some with, the girl who was one of her first girl friends, the girl who's lover was just arrested.

She grabbed Tokyo and pulled her into her arms, giving her a tight hug that conveyed everything she needed it to. Tokyo buried her face into Baby's neck as the other kissed her forehead.

"I'm so sorry, my love. I'm so sorry." Tokyo squeezed her tighter at her words. Baby then cupped her face in her hands. "I swear to you, we will get him back. I swear it."

Hearing the determination in her voice and seeing the fire in her eyes brought Tokyo to tears. She nodded at Baby, a sad yet hopeful smile on her face. Baby returned with that reassuring smile that told you that everything was going to be alright.

They pulled away as she looked at the person who still sat the table. Their jaw slacked, practically on the floor, shock still evident on their face.

"What? You're not gonna give me a hug?" Baby teased. She saw a grin slowly break out on his face before he rushed over and twirled her around in a hug.

Baby | Money HeistWhere stories live. Discover now