Part 4

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I watched him strut out of the bar with a light smile dancing on my lips. Shaking my head, I exited the bar and headed down the streets of Manchester.

"Daniel!" I heard a distant voice call. I turned, and saw the dark outline of none other than Chris Kendall running up to me. "Dan wait up!" He heaved as he finally caught up.

"What are you doing out here? It's like 10 o'clock at night!" I chastised and he shook his head.

He laughed. "You know I could ask you the same exact question," I opened my mouth to retort with some smart ass remark, and decided against it. "But seeing as that we're two fully grown men with the freedom to do whatever we choose with our lives, that'd be bloody pointless now wouldn't it?" I nodded in agreement.

"Peej and I fought . . . Again." I explained.

"Again? Why are you two even engaged, all you do is fight. I bet you went to the bar promptly after your little argument, am I right?"

"That would be correct." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "He just doesn't understand our problem. We're dangerously behind on our bills, and he keeps reassuring me that we'll make the money, but we won't. I'm the one with the job, all he does is sit on the couch as unemployed as ever. And the money I do make he takes and wastes on useless crap!" I sighed again and see Chris shake his head.

"You have to tell PJ how you feel. Nicely, of course. Tell him that he should probably start looking for a job so you can pay your bills. Maybe-"

"I've told him that. But he just gets mad at me and leaves!" I interrupted him. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to yell, but he's just so frustrating, you know?" He nodded.

"You love him, don't you?" He asks.

"Yeah, of course I do! Why?" I gave him a puzzled look.

"Does he love you?"

"He does." I was really starting to wonder where he was going with this.

"Then you will be able to convince him that he really needs to get his head in the game and get a job. That even minimum wage would help pay for the bills. If he really loved you, he'd listen. And I think now would be a good time to tell him. Catch you later, Dan." With that he turns and walks away.

"Thanks, Chris!" I shouted.


I walk up to our flat uneasily. You can do this, Daniel James Howell, I tell myself. I really hope I can.

Sighing, I grab the doorknob and turn it slowly. "Peej?" I call as I step inside.


I hear muffled moans coming from our bedroom.

"Don't stop, YES!" That was PJ's voice. I angrily stomp through the hallway and to our bedroom. There was even a sock on the damn doorknob! I toss it away and open the door, it slamming against the wall, startling Peej and his pathetic lover, who were fucking on our bed. "You little bitch!" I shout, ripping off my ring and chucking it at PJ's naked body. "We're fucking OVER." I spat as tears slowly started to stream down my face.

I ran quickly out of our flat for the second time that night, visiting the streets of Manchester once again.

On a normal night I would appreciate the brightly illuminated shops, the lack of human interaction I would have to undergo, and the catchy music that always seemed to be blasting out of some shop no matter the time; but it wasn't a normal night. The weight of a simple human emotion weighs me down.

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