Part 3

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Phil and his brother left as I leaned on the countertop staring at the door dreamily.

"Did your Man candy leave already?," Chris asked, laughing.

"What? I- man candy?," I said, giggling.

"Yeah," He nodded," You were staring at him like a child does to candy." I turned red and rolled my eyes. I hurried to greet another customer.


*time skip*

I trudged home after work ,entering the dimly lit apartment lobby, the smell of sewer water flooding my nostril chasied away the sweet scent of vanilla.

"Hello Mrs. Sanchez," I waved awkwardly at the short and irritable apartment manager

"Dan your rent is late this month, as always." She replied snidely.

"Uh yeah I'm afraid so but I'll get it to you soon," I said quietly. The truth was PJ and I were broke, which is why I toiled away everyday at my minimum wage shit hole of a job. I dragged myself up the stairs and into our dimly lit apartment.

"Dan?" PJ called out from the kitchen. "Is that you?"

"No Peej it's a ghost," I rolled my eyes. He walked into the living room and threw his arm around me.

"Why the frown?," he asked

"Oh nothing, just you know we're broke and if we don't pay rent soon we'll be homeless," I told him with dangerous levels of sarcasm.

"Don't worry Dan we'll get the money soon," he sad soothingly," but anyways, Dan I called the banquet hall we wanted and they said tha-."

"Peej did you not just hear me? " I said cutting him off," we can't afford to get married right now."

"Well don't blame me for trying to finally get married after two years," Pj said, firing up instantly," I don't know about you Dan but this ring is getting awfully tight and I might just have to take it off."

I scoffed

"Do whatever the hell you want PJ!" I said angrily, throwing on my coat. I walked out of the apartment, PJ followed.

"Where the hell are you going," he shouted angrily.

"Get off my ass Peej," I said coldly, "I'll be back soon."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(time skip cause I'm lazy)

I walked down the street, full of people. It was cold and there was no way in hell I was going back to the apartment. I spotted a bar and decided to hang around there for a while.

"Welcome to Puzzles, what can I do for you?" Asked the bearded bartender.

"Just a beer please," I told him. He nodded and slid a beer over.

I looked around the crowded bar. It was full of the typical bunch of drunk girl in denim skirts, slathered in fake tan. It was sickening. A tall girl with red hair and blue eyeshadow spotted me and began to strut over drukenly.


"Hey there handsome," she purred twirling a lock of hair around her finger,"what are you doing tonight."

"I-um I'm engaged," I stuttered trying to get away from her. She must have noticed because she grabbed my hand and held it.

"Oh c'mon, she's probably boring anyways," she slurred, her breath stinking of alcohol. She placed her hands on my waist.

"First of all," I said as I squirmed away from her,"it's he not a she and second of all if I WAS going to cheat on him it wouldn't be with you."

"HE?!?," she shouted. She seemed to have snapped out of her druken haze.

"Faggot,"she spat in disgust as she raced away. I rolled my eyes and headed towards the exit before I felt a hand clap down on my shoulder.

"Look I'm not interes-," I spun around and was met with a pair of shocking blue eyes staring at me.

"Damn it, I was just about to ask you if you if you wanted to make out," Phil from the coffee shop stood there laughing,"but now I can't if your not interested." I turned bright red.

"Hey," I smiled," it's weird seeing you out of the coffee shop."

"Yeah it's weird being out of the coffe shop," he nodded,"I barely leave you know, I just camp out in the bathroom at night."

"Wow it reeks of sarcasm,"I rolled my eyes,"do you smell it?"

"Yeah, it's my cologne....Eau De Sarcasm." He said smirking.

"That was lame....," I laughed. He pouted.

"Buy you a drink?," He offered.

"Nah I gotta go, my fiancé is waiting for me." His smile drooped a little at the mention of a fiancé.

"Fine but you owe me this drink, Dan from Starbucks," he said waving goodbye.


A/n: okay okay so not too much phan YET but there will be in the next couple of chapters :D

yay! So yeah...I will leave up to Phanaconda to give us a lil Phan. TAKE IT AWAY.


xxx Forest Stabbath

Lightly Edited by MOI. Bye bishes


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