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I've always hated this job. Never in my life would I have thought that this shit job that paid minimum wage, would lead me to one of the best things I've ever had in life.

"Hey Dan, get your head out of the clouds, mate!" said Chris, snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Oh sorry." I said, blushing when I realized I spent five minutes thinking about whether penguins had knees or not.

"It's your turn to clean the coffee machine." Chris said, throwing a dirty grey rag in my face. I internally groaned, and trudged towards the coffee machines to begin cleaning them.

I heard the front door open, and the bell hanging on top the main enterance made a ringing noise.

"The nerve of some people," I thought, "Can't they see that the sign in front of the coffee shop clearly says closed?"

I quickly made my way towards the register and began cleaning the grubby counters Chris had apparently "cleaned" earlier.

"Were you closing?" asked a smooth, deep voice.

"Well that's obviously what the sign says, but I guess we'll have to make an exception just for you." I answered, without looking up.

He laughed a laugh that sent shivers down my spine. I finally looked up.

Holy shit he was hot.

I stared at him awkwardly for a few seconds.

He has such nice eyes.

"Actually the sign says open." he said coolly.

"Oh I m-must have forgotten to change it..." I sputtered turning red.

He smirked and dropped a twenty dollar bill in the tip jar.

"Check the sign next time Daniel," he said, glancing at my name tag before he left.

God, I'm such an idiot.


*2 hours later*

I arrived at my flat and promptly collapsed on the couch when my phone started ringing. I checked the screen and groaned at what it said but answered anyway. "What."

"Dan, what the actual fuck!" Shouted an irritated Ligouri into the phone. "Why didn't you call me to let me know you were leaving work late?"

"Because I didn't have time to," I answered impatiently, "What's the big fucking deal Peej?"

"Whatever Dan, you're so selfish, I was so worried something had happened to you." PJ said angrily and hung up.

I should have never given him that ring.
Hello Hamsters my name is forest and I like cheese. Anyways give me feedback on my story and vote if you like it. ^_^
Edited by ME!

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