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— the girl i liked.

Casual chatter filled the classroom's humid atmosphere as everyone waited patiently for the teacher to arrive. We all thought the same, hoping that she'd be late until class ended. It would be boring anyway.

I was seated in one of the tables with my conservative group of friends. We we're talking about how school is total crap, how life is annoyingly unfair, basically just typical teenage convo. However, in my ears, their voices we're merely muffled in the distance. I wasn't really paying any attention to any words spoken, as I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. I tried not to be too obvious though, she might think I'm weird.

Her sitting there, getting along with everyone else didn't change the fact that she stood out from the crowd with her jet black wolf cut, her line art tattoos tracing the pale skin of her sleeves, and her sharp facial features being the highlight of my view. She was ethereal.

I was so immersed in her beauty that I apparently didn't even realize that she was staring back at me too. The teacher soon arrived, in hand a ruler, a folder, and other things I couldn't recognize because I proceeded to stare at her once again. I really hope I'm not being creepy right now. Am I?

She was still quietly whispering with our other friends in the middle of the class, but kept glancing at me here and there, the homely smile not leaving her thin but sultry lips. Such thing took my breath away, just as simple as that.

When class finally ended, everyone began to vacate the room and head to the cafeteria. She was walking beside me on the way, an arm wrapped around my nape while the skin of her wrist rested on my shoulder. I couldn't help but blush the entire time. She was having a conversation with someone else but was clinging onto me and the thought of that being a thing made me want to slam my head onto a wall from contentment.

I've liked her for so long and I'm suddenly feeling the confidence to tell her now—no, never mind. I still needed to buy some courage. I'll confess to her sometime.



Dream Accuracy: 8/10

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