Chapter 54

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Lizzie and Eli were walking to their classrooms when Pora and Kyron ran and walked  beside Lizzie.

"Hi Lizzie. Hi Kuya", Pora said and Eli smiled at her.

"Hi", he said and Lizzie looked at Pora but not teasing her. Kuya might get angry with her if she did that.

"You're very good Kuya. I am so impressed with you", Pora said as they walked.

"Thank you", Eli smiled at Pora, hugged Lizzie's head before proceeding to his room.

"Why do you call my Kuya Kuya Pora?", Lizzie asked her

"Hihi. We're friends so I can call him Kuya also", Pora said smiling at Lizzie

"Ok. Kyron, you can call my Kuya Kuya too, haha", she said laughing at her words. Kuya will be happy about it. He will have additional brother and sister haha.


Eli walked to his classroom and when he entered it, some of his classmates clapped their hands. He was taken aback by it.

"Whoa!", he said looking around the room, smiling at his classmates.

Gelo and Kayla, his teammates congratulated him again.

"Haha, we all won", he said as he shake Gelo's and Kayla's hands.

"yeah, but we didn't know those words. Idol!", Gelo said, tapping Eli's shoulder

"Ah, ok", Eli smiled and bow his head a bit for all his classmates.

It was the first of many congratulatory handshakes that Eli received that day. Their teacher asked everyone to give a round of applause for the Grade 4 Quiz Bee team and of course, Kayla's winning in the on-the-spot-painting contest. Last but not the least was for the first prize winner.

"I think Mr. Yang will make you the Quiz bee team for next year", she said and Eli high-fived with Kayla and Gelo. Bill was not present so he totally missed the congratulations.

Lunch time was for Mr. Yang's treat for his team. He didn't know what to do with the winning prize.

"Should we divide this among the members of the team?", he asked the kids.

"Yes sir", Gelo said, really hoping for an extra money.

"Divide it to five for you too Mr. Yang", Kayla said

"This winning is for you kids. I'm happy just to guide you", he said

"What do you think Eli?", Gelo asked him

"I'm not sure. First time, haha", Eli said. He didn't know their reason. It may offend them if he suggested to treat the whole Grade 4 class instead. It will be fun to share a lot of food with them.

"Ako sir, I really need the money. My mom will be happy to have an extra money", Gelo said honestly.

"Yes Gelo. I know your Mom supported you and your 2 siblings", Mr Yang said

Eli and Kayla waited for Mr. Yang's decision as their coach.

"Ok, you will have P2,000.00 each. My share, I have to treat the other teachers. Is that fair enough?", he asked them

Gelo nodded and smiled his thank you. Eli and Kayla were both happy with it.


Eli can feel that there were more people who smiled his way as he passed and he smiled back at them. He didn't want to feel yabang but he hoped that they truly liked his painting or his performance in the quiz bee.

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