Chapter 63

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These pictures are used for character reference for the story only and shall not be used in any unlawful purposes. ✌️

Eli, Lizzie, Mark and Yna. The Bonifacio cousins. 😍
" You call Lolo Dad Kuya. Please tell him that we're leaving", Aira told Eli and he went to Lolo Dad's room. He was excited too since Mommy and Dada will drop them off to school before going to the church.

Eli knocked at Lolo's room. Lolo Dad opened the room.

"I'm ready", he said at once.

Eli hugged him and then led him to the van. Aira followed with Noah. Lizzie was already in the van, excited to welcome them.

"Yey! Lolo Dad is coming. Noah is coming. It's a happy day!", she said clapping her hands. Lolo Dad tapped her head as they went inside the van.

"Are we meeting Roger and Irene?", he asked Aira

"Yes Dad. After we dropped the kids off, we'll go to the condo and pick them up", she said

"Ok", he said simply and chatted with Eli,

"You must be famous in school, eh? You're intelligent and talented", he told Eli

"I don't know Lolo Dad, haha", Eli said, and shrugged his shoulder. He didn't want to sound yabang.

"Yes Lolo Dad. My classmate Pora had a crush on Kuya", Lizzie said

"Woo ho!", Lolo Dad laughed.

"Not true Lolo. She was just a sister to me", Eli said as he shook his head.

"Yeah, yeah. You study first and get to a good school. Cultivate your talents, eh?", he said, as he tapped Eli's shoulder.

"Haha, I don't have a talent Lolo Dad. Can I stay home and take care of Noah?", Lizzie said

"You have a different talent from your brother. You will know about it later. You're still young. Just study well and you will be successful too", Lolo Dad said. He was amused with Lizzie but he can see the strength of her spirit.

They reached the school and Lolo Dad get out of the car and hugged the kids. "This is a nice school but when you reached college and wanted to study in Canada, you will have a home there", he told Eli and Lizzie.

"if Mommy allowed us", Eli said

"Ok. It was just a thought", he smiled at the kids and then hugged them both.

"Bye Mommy, Bye Dada. Bye Noah, Bye Lolo Dad!!!", she said screaming, while waving at them. Even Eli was laughing from her long good byes.

"Lizzie was such a sweetheart", Dad said to Aira.

"Yes Dad. Such a loud child but very sweet indeed", Aira said, agreeing with him.

"You got good kids Aira. I'm very happy to know them and thank you for letting them get closed to me", he said softly.

"As I've told Dex Dad, you were the luckiest because you were able to enjoy them right now. You are good for my kids because it gives them a sense of roots, so to speak? ", she told him, being honest with her opinion.

"Such a privilege given to only a few. And I'm very grateful. I'm trying to enjoy them now while I can", he said

"You're strong Dad. You will enjoy them for a long time", she said smiling at him.

Lolo Dad nodded and looked outside of the car window, deep in thought.

They reached the condo and Dex went inside, then called Roger.

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